How much does artificial insemination cost?

This method of reproductive technology, like in vitro fertilization, has become quite common in the last few years. The thing is that the early domestic doctors had no experience of conducting such operations, and many married couples had to apply in this regard to specialists from foreign clinics. Not all women could afford this, because of the high cost of such a procedure. And even today one of the first questions concerning IVF is: "How much does artificial insemination cost?". Let's try to answer it, having considered in detail all components from which the final price of the procedure for artificial insemination is formed.

What is the essence of IVF and what does the price depend on?

As the name "extracorporeal" (from Latin extra - from the outside, corpus - the body) means the method of fertilization, in which the meeting of the male and female cells occurs outside the female body.

This procedure is always in several stages, among which it is necessary to distinguish: the fence of suitable and fertile male and also female sex cells, their connection in a test tube and movement into the cavity of the uterus itself. For a better and correct result, at the same time, at least 2 fertilized eggs are planted . That is why it is not uncommon for women, as a result of IVF, to give birth at once to two, and sometimes even three, babies.

As for the cost of artificial insemination (IVF), it is always formed from several separate components. The thing is that transplanting a fertilized egg into the woman's womb is the final stage, which is preceded by a full examination and a long observation of the woman, sampling of the biomaterial, etc.

Also, an important factor in assessing the price of such a procedure is the choice of the clinic, the city in which IVF is conducted. In addition, it should be borne in mind that quite often the cost of artificial insemination for single women is somewhat different. In some clinics, there are often concessional IVF programs that allow this procedure to be provided to low-income families. So the inhabitants of the Russian Federation have the right to a quota for artificial insemination, provided there are certain medical indications. The cost of all such an IVF medical program in this case is compensated at the expense of the budget of the region, and not by the family.

If you talk directly about how much artificial insemination costs in Russia on average, the price can vary between 120-150 thousand rubles.

What are the components of the final price for IVF?

As already mentioned above, the IVF procedure is a rather complex set of measures. It is this factor that partly explains its high cost, which usually consists of:

It is from the price of these manipulations that depends on how much is the artificial insemination, the average cost of which in Ukraine is about 35-50 thousand hryvnia.

If we talk about how much is the choice of sex for artificial insemination and whether there is a difference between the price for a conventional IVF, then, as a rule, for a given service, the clinic is asked, plus 10-15% of the cost of the procedure itself.