Poor spermogram

Minor deviations in the spermogram, for example, a change in pH or viscosity, undiagnosis of the ejaculate, suggest a possible presence of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. However, this usually does not become a weighty reason for concern. A healthy woman is quite capable of becoming pregnant from a man with such indicators.

Causes of a bad spermogram

A really bad spermogram can be caused by a small amount of ejaculate (

Another reason for a poor spermogram can be a small concentration of sperm in 1 ml of sperm (

The reason for lack of mobility of spermatozoa is smoking, drug use, harmful working conditions (vibration, radiation), bad genetics. It is difficult to determine the true cause, so it is better to use the IVF + ICSI system (with the selection of healthy spermatozoa).

The bad results of the spermogram are also spoken in the absence of live spermatozoa or in their complete immobility. This condition can also be caused by smoking, taking drugs, genetic predisposition, autoimmune diseases, hormonal failures. You need to change your lifestyle as much as possible. Carry out an incentive treatment and, in case of failure, use the ECO + ICSI option.

Elevated leukocytes in the spermogram speak of inflammation in the genitourinary system. Do the treatment and, after a month, repeat the analysis.

One of the most typical causes of poor sperm counts are:

What if my husband has a bad spermogram?

Not always everything is hopeless. Sometimes you can improve the quality of sperm if you eliminate harmful production and household factors, establish a normal working and rest regime, provide adequate nutrition and adhere to the right rhythm of sexual activity.