How much sperm do you need to get pregnant?

Quite often, women who use interrupted intercourse as a means of contraception are interested in the question, which directly concerns how much sperm is needed to get pregnant. Let's try to answer it.

What are the characteristics of the promotion of male reproductive cells in the female reproductive system?

During natural intercourse, without the use of contraception, the male ejaculate falls into the vaginal cavity. The medium in this organ of the female reproductive system is acidic, the pH is about 4. This is why, approximately 2 hours after sexual contact, most of the sex cells that have fallen into the sperm die. Only the most mobile and the most persistent continue their advancement along the genital tract and reach the cervix. Here they encounter cervical mucus, which can also have a partial obstruction to the uterus. So, for example, strongly viscous cervical mucus can not pass further than active sperm.

As a result, only a part of the male's reproductive cells reaches the uterine cavity. When carrying out experiments by Western specialists andrologists, it was not possible to establish specifically how much sperm should be in the vagina, so that a woman could become pregnant. Thus scientists mark, that the greatest value has not volume of an ejaculate, and quantity of sex cells contained in it.

How much sperm to get pregnant?

Numerous experiments have shown that in the ejaculate located in the vaginal cavity, spermatozoa should be at least 10 million. The thing is that approximately only a thousandth part reaches the uterine cavity. It should be noted that many of the spermatozoa that have entered the main sexual organ of the female body are already practically immobile. The energy to penetrate the egg is usually enough for only a few germ cells.

Given all of the above, experts in answering the question: how much sperm need to make a girl pregnant, - do not give an unambiguous answer, tk. all depends, first of all on quality of a seminal liquid. In fact, for fertilization may be enough and a couple of drops of semen, tk. an average of 1 drop contains about 1 million spermatozoa.

Thus, if we talk about how much sperm should get into the vagina in order to become pregnant, then, as a rule, enough and less than 1 ml. This fact should be taken into account, first of all, by women who have recently given birth to a child and do not use contraception, as well as those whose pregnancy is not included in the nearest plans.