The process of conception of a child

The moment when two cells meet - male and female - can rightly be called a miracle, because then a new life is born. The process of conceiving a child by day is monitored by every woman who dreams of becoming a mother. We will do this, too.

How does the process of conceiving a child occur?

First, we describe how the process of conception takes place. The main thing that should happen is a meeting of a sperm and an egg. It can occur in the uterus, fallopian tubes or even in the abdominal cavity 4-72 hours after sexual intercourse. It was revealed that of the millions of male cells, only one (the strongest and most mobile) is able to penetrate the female sex cell envelope.

How long the process of conception lasts depends on the particular case. On average, the most important stages occur in the following timeframe after the merger:

Approximately on the 7-10 day of traveling through the fallopian tubes, the future baby is attached to the uterine wall, that is, implantation takes place. If it passes successfully, then with a high probability in 9 months, a small continuation of Mom and Dad will appear.

How to accelerate the process of conception of a child?

Conception, i.e. the process of fertilization and the speed of its onset entirely depend on the state of health, both men and women. For a woman it is important not to have problems on the hormonal background and be as young as possible, and for men - to provide high quality about the motility of the sperm. For this you need:

  1. Identify and eliminate any possible health problems.
  2. To pass the course of vitamin therapy 30-60 days before the planned hour "X".
  3. Do not take hot baths, do not expose your body to unnecessary stress (including psychological).
  4. Go for a healthy diet, rich in protein, vitamins and fiber.
  5. Start to lead a healthy lifestyle (quit smoking and drinking alcohol, become more active).

In addition, it is important for a man to eat foods rich in zinc , which is very useful for the quality of seminal fluid.

Experts also advise not to track the process of conception of the child by day. Excessive "fixation" on the early achievement of a positive result is almost always an obstacle.