Frozen pregnancy - a mistake of ultrasound?

Sometimes, such a desired pregnancy for a woman is suddenly interrupted by the death of the fetus. The future mother for a long time does not even suspect that the heart of her baby is no longer beating, because signs may appear too late. The diagnosis of "frozen pregnancy" is almost always established on ultrasound and, fortunately, sometimes it is a mistake.

This is due to the fact that up to 5-6 weeks, the heartbeat of the fetus can be recognized only by the most modern ultrasound devices. In addition, the exact diagnosis is also dependent on the experience and qualification of the doctor. If there is a suspicion of a cardiac arrest of a future child, ultrasound diagnosis should be repeated after 1-2 weeks.

In this article, we'll talk about the appearance of which symptoms should alert the future mother, what to do if you suspect a frozen pregnancy, and also whether the test will show two strips in case of fetal death.

How to determine a frozen pregnancy?

Of course, if the death of the child occurred in the second half of pregnancy, the expectant mother first of all worries the lack of movements of the baby. But what signs can a woman feel if the fetus is frozen in the first three months of the child's expectation?

In order not to worry about whether the heart beats a baby, a future mother is recommended to do a weekly test to determine the pregnancy during the first trimester. The level of the hormone hCG in the dead pregnancy rapidly falls, and the test shows a negative result.

In addition, the emergence of vaginal discharge may be indicated by the appearance of the vaginal discharge from the vagina. An unexpected cessation of toxemia and the disappearance of pain in the chest can also indicate fading pregnancy at an early age. If the fetus has stopped long enough, and the woman did not even know about it, she can feel strong abdominal pains like fights, a sharp rise in body temperature and unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region. All these signs may indicate that the body is trying to get rid of a child who is no longer developing. In such a situation, an immediate appeal to a doctor can save a woman from severe consequences - intoxication of the body, inflammation of the uterus, severe blood loss.

The appearance of one strip on the test, of course, does not always indicate a frozen pregnancy, because such a result may be a mistake. A woman should urgently consult a doctor who may suspect a fetus stopping due to a mismatch in the size of the uterus during pregnancy. To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe an unscheduled conduct of ultrasound diagnosis.

What to do when confirming the diagnosis of a stiff pregnancy?

In the case of fetal fading, depending on the period of pregnancy, the doctor can offer a future mother to have a medical abortion, a curettage operation or to stimulate the onset of premature birth.

After a stagnant pregnancy, a woman needs to pass a set of tests to try to identify and eliminate all possible causes of fetal death. Do not despair, because the setting of such a diagnosis is not a verdict, and in most cases, the next pregnancy ends successfully.