Toxicosis - how to fight it?

With the question of how to survive a toxicosis during pregnancy, almost all future mothers come across. Rare lucky ones do not pass this obligatory stage. The cause of toxicosis and its manifestations, according to one version, can be the poisoning of the woman's body with toxic metabolic products. On the other - the reaction to the changes in the female body. So, what is toxicosis and how to deal with it?

Manifestations of early intoxication are usually considered:

These are only common signs that arise in almost all pregnant women. But in some cases, the individual reaction of the organism is possible. Early toxicosis usually goes to 12-13 weeks, but how to deal with unpleasant symptoms before, it is interesting to many.

How to avoid toxicosis?

Many women, preparing to become mothers, prepare themselves beforehand for the inevitability of toxicosis. Setting up this way, it is worth remembering that nothing can last forever. And the unpleasant moments associated with early pregnancy will be forgotten by the second trimester.

Questions about how long the toxicosis lasts and how it affects the baby, especially often worried pregnant first-born. Do not worry about this. If you eat normally and do not lose weight, then you do not have to worry about the baby. Otherwise, supportive medicines are needed.

Here are some tips to help you cope with the ailment, namely how to deal with nausea and toxicosis:

  1. Some time after waking up, it's better to lie down and have a bite, without changing the situation. Snack should be easy - cracker, cracker, banana. It is good, if the products will have an acidity.
  2. Meals break into several light snacks - do not overeat, it is better to eat less, but more often. Do not bring the body to a feeling of hunger.
  3. To warn the next attack of vomiting it is possible mint infusion with a slice of a lemon.
  4. Contrast shower is the best for morning sickness.
  5. Short walks in the fresh air and yoga will have a positive effect on blood circulation, disperse blood and improve mood.
  6. Refuse is necessary not only from smoking , but also from visiting smoke-filled places. Try to protect yourself from any strong smells, such as perfume, kitchen smells, etc.
  7. Avoid stress. Cope with it, and sometimes with nausea, will help aromatic oils with the smell of citrus.
  8. You can try to resort to acupuncture - some moms mark a positive result.
  9. When you are at home, do not neglect a midday sleep.

How to survive a toxicosis if you are forced to be at work? Well, if the leadership and others can enter into the situation without burdening you with extraneous matters, or even better - by providing help and support. You should have the opportunity to be alone when necessary.

How to eat with toxicosis?

Food should be easily digested and contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements. It is not necessary to eat too warm food, warm food is absorbed by the body longer, more loading the stomach. Drink plenty of fluids - teas, dairy products, mineral water without gas. Refuse from fatty, fried, salty, smoked. Eating a pregnant woman with toxicosis is dictated by her personal needs. That is, you can eat everything you want, but in everything you need to know the measure. And, of course, to exclude from what it turns.

Do not forget to consult a doctor on all issues that concern you, because your pregnancy is unique and strictly individual.