Single mother's status

It takes a lot of effort, patience and work to grow a child on your own. Once, children of single mothers were persecuted by both peers and adults. A child without a pope was considered a disgrace to a woman, and there was no talk of helping single mothers' children. But, despite the fact that times and customs have changed, not every woman can independently provide a full-fledged life for the child. Each state provides assistance to children of single mothers, paying child benefits and providing benefits.

But the problems faced by the children of single mothers are not always connected with the material situation. It is especially difficult for a single woman to raise a boy without a father, often mothers spoil their sons or, on the contrary, try to completely suppress their personality. In the end, relations with others are formed based on the laid-out behavior model, creating problems in communicating with peers. Similar problems can arise in girls raised without a mother. To save the child from such difficulties it is necessary, with the help of a good psychologist, to develop a model of behavior with a child that could compensate for the absence of one of the parents. More complex are the financial problems that a single mother and her children may face. Of course, the law provides for assistance and child support for single mothers, but, firstly, not everyone knows about their rights, and secondly, in order to get a meager allowance, sometimes you have to spend a lot of time and energy. And yet you know what help you can count on and how to achieve it will not be superfluous.

Who is considered a single mother?

First, you need to understand who is considered a single mother. This status is important for getting state aid to a single mother.

In Ukraine, the status of a single mother is obtained by women who are independently raising a child, provided that the child was not born into a marriage, the father of the child is registered with the mother's words or due to forensic examination. If a single mother is married, but the new husband does not recognize paternity, then the status remains. Widows also receive this status.

In Russia, the status of a single mother is appropriated if the child is not married, or 300 days after the dissolution of marriage, or in the absence of voluntary recognition of paternity. In the event of the death of a spouse, the status is not assigned, and the mother's child is not paid a single child.

Helping single mothers

To receive benefits for a single mother's mother it is necessary to collect documents and file an application with the social protection authorities at the place of residence. From the month of application and until the child reaches 16 years (if the child is a student - 18 years old), the single mother will receive child support and enjoy the benefits provided by the legislation. Assistance to single mothers with multiple children is charged individually, depending on the financial situation and the number of children. Benefits mother single child with two children are also assessed individually.

Both in Russia and in Ukraine there are benefits for single mothers in kindergarten and school. Obligatory are the reduction of payment of contributions to the fund of the educational institution. Sometimes there can be provided free meals, in kindergartens there are preferential lines.

In addition to financial assistance, laws provide for benefits to single mothers in the labor sphere. First of all, the legislation of Ukraine and Russia stipulates the responsibility of employers for providing jobs to single mothers, even in case of liquidation of an enterprise. Similarly, the employer does not have the right to deprive the mother of a single workplace unreasonably or because of the reduction in staff.

Separate consideration of leave for single mothers. In Russia, the right of a single mother is provided for 14 unpaid days of additional leave during the year, which can be combined with paid leave or used at any other time. Unused days for another year are not carried over. In Ukraine, single mothers are entitled to 7 days of additional paid leave. If the additional leave was not used within a year, it is postponed to the next year. At dismissal all unused days of additional leave are paid. In addition to the assistance defined by the legislation of the state, in each city there may be additional benefits.

Very often single mothers do not know about their rights. In order to receive state assistance in full, women should study the laws that provide for the payment of benefits and the provision of benefits. It will also be useful in the social assistance center at the place of registration to receive advice on providing assistance in the light of individual circumstances.

Single mothers are one of the most socially unprotected parts of the population, so they should know well and be able to use the rights provided. After all, on their fragile female shoulders, they alone are responsible for the life and fate of children.