Why can not pregnant women lie on their backs?

The question of why pregnant women can not be lying on their backs is of interest to many women in the situation. The thing is that starting from the third month of pregnancy, there is a strong increase in the uterus in volume. Therefore, in the prone position, this organ partially exerts pressure on the spine and large blood vessels passing next to it.

What happens in the body of a pregnant woman while lying on her back?

In order to understand why in pregnancy you can not lie on your back, you need to turn to the features of human anatomy. Near the spinal column there is such a large blood vessel as the lower hollow vein. It is for her that blood from the lower part of the body rises to the heart.

As a result of its compression, the blood flow decreases sharply. As a result, a future mother may complain of a feeling of lack of air. Breath, however, becomes more frequent, and his character becomes intermittent. Often pregnant women notice the appearance of flies before their eyes, dizziness, increased heart rate and increased sweating. When these signs appear, the woman needs to roll over on her side.

What relationship exists between the position of the mother's body and the state of the fetus?

Pregnant women should not be lying on their backs, because they can adversely affect the health of the fetus.

As a result of compression of the vein, blood flow is disturbed. As a result - the baby receives less oxygen , which is necessary for its normal life and development.

What position of the body during pregnancy is safe?

Telling why you can not lie on your back during pregnancy, let's find out which position of the body is safe for the future mother and her baby.

Doctors recommend lying down on the left side when lying down. This particular pose is the safest. The legs are best placed one on the other. For greater convenience, a pillow can be placed between them.