Fetal hypoxia - treatment

If at the next visit to your obstetrician-gynecologist you were diagnosed with the "fetal hypoxia" in the exchange card, do not give up. This is a kind of test for the patience and patience of the future mother.

Diagnosis and treatment of fetal hypoxia

If there is a suspicion of oxygen starvation of the fetus, a whole complex of tests and clinical studies is conducted in order to avoid a false diagnosis. Pregnant women are referred for dopplerometry, cardiotocography, auscultation, and accompanying tests. Based on the results obtained, a course of treatment will be prescribed. About what to do with hypoxia of the fetus, your doctor will tell you, since the body of each person is individual. But the main recommendations how to treat fetal hypoxia we will give below.

It should immediately tune into a whole range of measures and drugs designed to improve and stabilize the condition of the mother and child. An experienced doctor will advise you:

  1. Urgently conduct all tests to identify the cause of hypoxia.
  2. To normalize the blood flow in the placenta.
  3. Reduce the tone of the uterus to avoid miscarriage or premature delivery.
  4. Take drugs that reduce the viscosity of the blood (aspirin, asper, etc.).
  5. To take complexes of special vitamins and stabilizing lipid metabolism.
  6. Of course, during the course of treatment, the mother needs complete rest, plenty of fresh air, proper nutrition and maximum rest.

There is a huge selection of drugs for fetal hypoxia, which have successfully proven themselves in its treatment. All of them have a narrow spectrum of action. So to relieve spasms and improve blood pressure appoint adelphan, papaverine, magne-B6. In the treatment of intrauterine hypoxia of the fetus, bricanil, piracetam, vitamins B1, B2 are very effective. If you are prescribed Actovegin for fetal hypoxia, it is advisable to carefully read the instructions of this drug and assess the benefit-risk relationship.