Red Flat Ringworm - Causes

Red flat lichen is an inflammatory disease in which the formation of rashes of various forms, accompanied by pain, itching, burning. Most lesions are observed on the skin and tissues of the mucous membranes, less often the inflammation affects the nail plates. It is established that pathology can lead to the development of secondary infection, as well as malignancy of rashes.

The causes of red lichen planus

The exact causes of the development of this disease have not been determined to date. It can be caused by a combination of various factors, the main of which are as follows:

In the risk group are women older than middle age, while in most cases, simultaneous damage to the skin and mucous membranes (in the mouth, on the genitals), less often - only the tissues of the mucous membranes. Also, according to recent studies, it is established that the disease often occurs in people with viral hepatitis C.

Transmitted or not, red lichen planus?

The considered disease does not belong to infectious pathologies (in contrast to other types of lichen), therefore it is not contagious and is not transmitted from person to person in any ways. However, considering that in some cases it is associated with hepatitis C, then after close contact with people who have symptoms of red flat lichen, it does not hurt to pass tests for hepatitis C.