Drops Stops

A perfect antitussive drug for adults and children, drops Stops, sold in any pharmacy. But many people prefer to buy this drug in the form of tablets and sweet syrup. The reason for this - a complicated at first glance scheme for the reception of drops. In fact, this form of medicine is not only recognized as the most effective, but also differs in its ease of use.

Why do the drops from coughing Stoptussin act faster?

Stopoutsin refers to preparations for cough of complex action. The following components are part of the medicine:

As auxiliary components, ethanol, water and flavor are used.

The main peculiarity of the drops of Stoptopsin lies in the fact that, unlike the antitussive drugs of opiate origin, the drug does not inhibit the respiratory function, it does not become addictive and does not interact with the central nervous system. At the same time, its composition completely covers all the necessary functions in order to not just stop the cough, but cure it. The strong expectorant effect of guaifenesin in combination with the mild analgesic and mucolytic effect of butamirate makes the treatment pleasant and effective. That is why the drug is actively used in the therapy of children.

What cough drops help Stoptussin?

Basically, the drug is used to treat dry, superficial cough. It is typical for the first days of the common cold, flu and ARVI. Do not drop with such diseases:

The use of drops Stoptopsin can be done independently, without consulting a doctor. We will tell you about the main features of using this medicine.

Dosage in the treatment with drops Stoptussin

Before you start treatment, you need to exclude factors that make use of Stopoutsin dangerous. These include:

With caution apply the drug during pregnancy and during lactation.

Here's how to take Stoptussin in drops:

  1. Unscrew the bottle cap counter-clockwise.
  2. The syringe that comes with the medicine, stick vertically into the adapter on the neck of the vial.
  3. Type the desired amount of the drug, after turning the bottle upside down.
  4. Return the bottle to its original position, remove the syringe, and tighten the lid.

After the medicine has appeared in a syringe, it needs to be dissolved in water, or other liquid. For these purposes, chilled green tea or freshly squeezed fruit juice is best suited. How exactly you will drink the drops of Stoptussin, depends solely on taste preferences.

It is advisable to take medicine on an empty stomach before meals. In this case, it will begin to act after 20-30 minutes.

How many days to take Drops Stoptussin and how to calculate the dosage depends on the age and weight of the patient. Children from six months to a year are shown on 8 drops 3-4 times a day. Children with a mass above 10 kg can give 9 drops of the drug at the same frequency. Weight from 20 kg allows the use of 15 drops of the drug, and above 30 kg - 20. At a weight of more than 50 kg, the dose of Stoptussin is 25 drops 3 times a day, and a weight of more than 70 kg requires 30 drops each time before eating. The maximum daily dose for children over 12 years is 400 drops, for adults - 600, but usually the drug is drunk in much smaller quantities. The course of treatment is a week, if there is no relief for this period, you should stop taking drops and consult a doctor.