Yeast dough without eggs

If there is a need to prepare a dough without eggs, the recipes proposed below will help you to realize it in the best possible way. Products from such a test are as good as any other and are distinguished by their splendor and airiness.

Yeast dough for pies without eggs and milk - recipe



Preparation of a yeast dough without eggs begins with the activation of the lifting function of yeast. To do this, warm the cleaned water to a temperature in the range of 38 to 40 degrees. Then add the yeast into it and mix until they are completely dissolved in the liquid. There, pour in the sugar, mix it to dissolve all the sweet crystals, add just a little flour and let the mass stand in the heat for ten to fifteen minutes. You can put a bowl in a container with hot water or in a slightly heated and switched off oven.

Next, add vegetable oil without a smell, salt, sift into the mixture the rest of the flour and begin the process of kneading. Initially, mix the mass with a spoon, and then use your hands and continue kneading until a smooth, uniform and non-tacky texture of the dough is obtained. When the goal is achieved, you can proceed to the pies. An additional test approach is not required. But we note that if you plan to make baked goods in the oven, then they must first give time to rise and mature on a baking sheet in a warm place. For this, depending on the temperature conditions, it may take from forty to sixty minutes. If the pies you plan to fry deep-fried, then this requirement is not necessary. Products immediately after the formation can be lowered into hot oil and browned from two sides. Their splendor, they will already be in the process of frying.

This variant of the yeast dough, in view of the absence of scorpio components, is perfect for any lean bakery.

Lush yeast dough on kefir without eggs - recipe



In this case, as a liquid base, we will use kefir. Thanks to this, the dough turns out to be even more magnificent and tender, despite the absence of eggs in the recipe. So, let's start with the preparation of all the liquid components. We mix kefir and refined oil in a bowl, add salt to the mixture and mix thoroughly. Now the mass needs to be slightly warmed up, to create the ideal conditions for the fruitful work of yeast fungi. The ideal temperature for this varies between 38-40 degrees. Now mix in a separate bowl dry yeast and sugar crystals and pour the mixture to the liquid components. We mix everything in a careful manner and have in the heat for fifteen minutes. During this time, the mass must vspuzyritsya, it will be evidence that all processes are proceeding correctly. Next, we sift the flour into a bowl and achieve a homogeneous and not sticky, but at the same time soft and not tight texture of the dough. Now we should place the bowl with it in a warm, absolutely spot-free place for at least thirty to forty minutes, absolutely protected from drafts and unnecessary noise. As a result, the dough should grow at least twice.

Any of the proposed recipes for preparing a yeast dough without eggs is suitable for pirozhki and pizza, for buns and kulebyak. From it, you can also prepare various open pies with the most varied stuffing. The amount of sugar in the dough can be adjusted depending on whether the dessert or unsweetened pastry is cooked from it.