What kind of dry dog ​​food is better?

What kind of dry food for dogs is better - this is the question that is set not only by novice dog-owners, but also by long-time breeders, because the variety of brands on the market is huge. When selecting dry food, it is worth paying attention to the category to which dry food refers.

Forage of economy class

What kind of dry food to choose for a dog, in no small measure depends on the financial capabilities of the owner. Depending on the category of feed, its price can vary very much, and, if possible, it is necessary to purchase the highest category of food. In total, there are four main types of feed.

The first type is a food of economy class. They contain the least amount of nutrients, and the bulk of their composition is occupied by plant components, while proteins are usually taken from animal fat. Also, in such a feed, there is a great chance of finding GMOs, soybeans and potentially preservative preservatives. Forages of economy class are issued by brands: Chappi, Meal, Pedigree, 4 paws.

Premium dry food class

Premium foods are more natural and useful in composition. However, as animal components, not real meat is used, but fat and residues from meat processing. But still the content of these components in the feed is increased, so it is better suited for feeding dogs: Happy Dog , Dog Chow, Bosch, Brit.

Super-premium food

Super-premium class is one of the optimal solutions to what kind of dry food it is better to feed a dog. Here the price and quality are well combined. To create food, the most natural ingredients are used and only vegetables and cereals useful for the organism are Acana, 1st Choice, Innova, Orijen.

Holistic feed

Feeds of the holistic category can answer the question: what dry dog ​​food is the best. They have such a quality composition that they are suitable even for people. But they are the most expensive, and it is very difficult to find them in our pet stores. Forages of this category are: Power of Nature, Nutra Gold Holistic, Taste of the Wild, Go!