Bartholinitis - Causes

Bartholinitis is an inflammation of the Bartholin gland. The cause for the formation of the disease are various bacteria: E. coli, chlamydia, staphylococcus, Trichomonas and others.

Causes of Bartholinitis

The cause of the appearance of bartholinitis is primarily the blocking of the output channel of the Bartholin gland. The liquid produced in the womb of the gland accumulates, as a result, the glands swell, forming a cyst. When infection of the cyst occurs abscess - inflammation. Also, the reason for the appearance of bartolinitis is: non-observance of intimate hygiene, weakening of the immune system and promiscuous sexual intercourse without protection. If the disease has been confirmed clinically, you should abandon sex with Bartholinitis, since it is contagious.

Chronic bortolinitis is the most terrible form of the disease. Continues a long period of time, for which it can periodically become inflamed. This can occur because of the woman's hypothermia or during menstruation, there are other factors that are the causative agents of the disease. Bartholinitis can also be at rest without causing a significant discomfort to the woman and may result in minor pain in the inguinal zone during walking or sexual intercourse. The rest of the time, the sick can feel great.

With gonorrheal bartholinitis around the excretory duct a region of hyperemia and unobtrusive purulent-mucous discharge from the genital tract are formed.

Acute bartholinitis is accompanied by inflammation of the excretory duct of the large gland. The signs of this type of disease are:

This form of the disease is often a sign of purulent bartholinitis.

How to cure bartholinitis?

If the causes of bartholinitis have been identified and the doctor diagnosed, the patient is assigned to bed rest and cooling of the affected area with ice. The doctor prescribes antibiotics. If there are improvements in the treatment process, it is necessary to conduct thermal procedures, due to them, suppuration is formed, after which the abscess is opened and bartholinitis is treated as a normal wound that has become aggravated. In the event that bartolinite has opened itself, you should seek help from a doctor and do not self-medicate, so as not to aggravate the situation. With the started form of bartholinitis, an operation that can be performed under local anesthesia may be prescribed.