Decline of forces - what to do?

Constant stress and overexertion adversely affect the body. And it's not just about any diseases. Often our body responds to negative factors and loads of weakness, malaise, that is, a kind of lack of vital energy. If you are visited by such a phenomenon as a breakdown, what to do and whether it is worth fighting against it.

What is it and why does it break down?

Everyone knows an unpleasant state: the whole body has a weakness, there is no desire to do anything, a depressed emotional state, drowsiness, dizziness. All these are signs of a breakdown. These are the most common manifestations. But many unpleasant symptoms people do not even associate with such an exhaustion of the body. Symptoms can be:

Of course, there are days when exactly such a state of health makes you think about urgent measures for treatment. But if these symptoms pass quickly and on their own, then the weakness and decay of the forces is an occasion to independently revise the rhythm of your life or take a short vacation. After all, this is the weakness with which, under favorable conditions, the body coped itself. This is a kind of light form. In addition, weakness in itself is not yet a sign of a decline in vitality.

In the decline of forces, the causes are very diverse:

If such conditions disturb you extremely rarely, then you can do just additional rest. But if these symptoms do not go away within a few weeks and the condition gradually worsens, then we can talk about a permanent decline in strength. This is not only unpleasant, but also extremely dangerous for health. Not to mention how this condition affects the quality of life. When such a breakdown appeared, the question of what to do should be decided immediately.

Than to treat a breakdown?

Since one of the reasons may be a lack of vitamins, first of all you should pay attention to whether they are kept in sufficient quantity in food and choose the suitable vitamin complex for yourself. Particular attention should be paid to vitamins of group C, E, D, B. They are contained in most food products, but this amount will not cover the needs of the body. Vitamins in the decay of forces must come from outside. A good complex of vitamins, minerals, macro and microelements will help to cope with the main symptoms, but will not become a full-fledged treatment.

Nutrition should be healthy and well-balanced in case of loss of strength. Particular attention should be paid to fresh vegetables and fruits. Be sure to include in your diet a variety of cereals and legumes. For breakfast, try to use "slow carbohydrates". They will give the body energy for a long time and will maintain good health until lunch.

The people's means will be the best help from the decay of forces. They are tested by experience and do not contain excess chemistry. So, you will not give an additional burden to the body. First of all, pay attention to a variety of infusions and decoctions. Surely, your grandmother knows what to drink when you lose strength.

  1. The simplest recipe is using verbena. Take 15 g of leaves on a glass of water, bring to a boil. Take 1 tablespoon in an hour.
  2. If there is an opportunity, we use wheat. In 1 liter of boiling water put 200 grams of bran. Cook for 1 hour, strain through cheesecloth or sieve, squeeze out the remaining broth and re-strain. The broth can be drunk 1/2 - 1 glass 3 - 4 times a day before meals.
  3. Another delicious remedy. Two tablespoons of dried wild rose hips pour 1 glass of hot water, boil for 10 minutes. on low heat, infuse for 30 minutes. (according to another source - within 24 hours), drain. Drink 1/3 - 1/2 cup 2 - 3 times a day after meals.