What is the temperature of a cat normal?

The cat's body, like any creature on the planet, has the optimum temperature for a normal existence. Its increase in pythomies may indicate the onset of the disease, so a careful owner should know what body temperature in a cat is normal. In an adult animal, it can range from 38 to 39 degrees, in kittens it is half a degree higher - from 38.5 to 39.5.

Body temperature of a cat

The body temperature in an animal depends on the sex, the age of the pet, the time of day and the general condition of the body.

At the sleeping pet and in the morning, all processes slow down, and the temperature drops to 37 degrees. By evening or in the process of active play, the indicator of the thermometer can grow by half a degree. In an aging organism, it can be somewhat below normal, with no deviations in the state observed.

In young animals, a decrease in temperature may indicate hypothermia, blood loss, heart disease, kidney disease, endocrine system. So if the indicator of the thermometer fell to 37 degrees and does not rise, you need to show the cat to the doctor.

Knowing what temperature for a cat is normal, the suspicious amplitude should be analyzed by the owner, so that the pet does not miss the disease . An increase in the optimal index may indicate a viral infection in an animal or an inflammatory disease.

When the body temperature rises, the cat needs to contact the veterinarian. To be engaged in a selftreatment, to give antipyretic in such a case is not recommended. At high rates (40.5), you can wrap the animal in a towel soaked in cold water, and take it to the clinic.

The early onset of treatment increases the chances of a quick recovery of the pet's body.