Newborn infusion solution

When there is a runny nose in very young children, it is not recommended to immediately use medications, such as vasoconstrictive or oily drops. Newborn children are better for washing and treating the nose to use saline. This is a saline solution, which in its composition is well suited to the human body, so it is recommended to use it even for daily use to babies.

Use of saline for newborns

When a cold occurs, the mucous membrane of the nasal passages swells and mucus begins to accumulate in them, interfering with the normal breathing of the child. Therefore, with a cold a few times a day (about 5-6 times), especially before feeding, the newborn should be dripped into the nose a few drops (2-3) saline or rinse it well.

How to wash a nose to a newborn physiological saline?

  1. Put the child on the barrel.
  2. Type the saline solution into the instrument that you will use.
  3. Gently insert not very deep into the upper nostril a syringe, a syringe (without needles) or a special bottle - a dropper.
  4. Enter the solution until it recovers.
  5. Repeat the same procedure with the second (lower) nostril.

As a result of this procedure saline softens the dried mucus, mixes with it and removes it from the nose, normalizing the work of cilia in the nasal mucosa.

To treat the nose of newborns, you can still do inhalations with saline, using a compression or laser inhaler.

Saline analogues

In pharmacies now you can find saline under different names: marmaris, aquamaris, a hammer, saline , an aqualor and so on. All of them differ in price and form of release.

The usual saline solution is sold under the name "sodium chloride: solution for infusions 0,9% "in glass bottles of 200 ml and 400 ml. Such a sealed bottle is better not to be completely opened at once, and, if necessary, to draw a liquid from it, piercing the rubber cap with a needle of the syringe.

If necessary, physiological (saline) solution can be prepared at home. To do this, take 9g of table salt (about 1 teaspoon without a slide), dissolve in 1 liter of boiled water and strain. But this solution can only dig in the nose.

The solution for instillation or washing of the nose is allowed from the very birth of the child, since its use does not have an overdose or time limit, and, very importantly, does not cause habituation.