Obsessive-compulsive disorder

The neurosis of compulsive states, or else called, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disorder that is characterized by repetitive obsessive thoughts . Sometimes they turn into some kind of ritual actions that the person carries out in order to reduce his anxiety and get rid of internal tension, thus preventing the appearance of a frightening event.

It will not be superfluous to note that there is no logical connection between obsessive actions and the consequences that should be. The neurosis of obsessive states is manifested in those who have a special personality. Usually this is a highly conscientious person, timid or anxious-hypochondriac.

Obsessions may arise in quite healthy people. They can be expressed, for example, in fear of some animals, insects, heights, etc.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - causes

The main reason for the appearance of frightening obsessive thoughts is a severe acute or chronic trauma. The influence of various conflict situations is not ruled out, which has a traumatic effect.

Also, obtrusiveness can arise under the action of conditioned reflex mechanisms. That is, the action of the ordinary stimulus, which coincides in time, at the time of severe fear, can later cause a second attack of fear, fear of something. For example, one patient for a long time suffers from hiccoughs. It turned out that his first attack of hiccups manifested during dinner at a party. As a result of the fact that a person began to fear her appearance at the time of eating, after this fear, the attack made itself felt.

Before answering the question "How to cure the neurosis of compulsive states?", Remember that this disorder manifests itself in two main cases:

  1. After the person has transferred or carried an acute psytotravmu.
  2. Against the backdrop of such a psychological situation, the long-term influence of which, causes a feeling of discomfort in a person.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - symptoms

The obsessive-compulsive neurosis is mainly manifested in doubts that arise irresistibly and involuntarily, in aspirations, thoughts, fears, perceptions, movements, attraction, while maintaining a critical attitude towards them and trying to overcome this condition.

  1. Symptoms of obsessive doubt are: self-doubt , anxiety, the desire to repeatedly verify the performance of any action (for example, if the door lock is closed, whether the iron is turned off). It is important to note that such people can check the correctness of performance until exhaustion.
  2. Obsessive fears: a person is afraid of whether he will be able to perform an action when there is a need.
  3. Mental obsession: infinitely in the person's head emerge names, poems, etc.
  4. Fears: fear of heart attack, death, etc.
  5. Obsessive actions: a person obsessively screw up his eyes, licks his lips, disposes objects in a certain order.
  6. Obsession of representations: very vivid obsessive memories that reflect a traumatic effect on a person.
  7. Memories: a person, unwittingly, recalls the details of some unpleasant event for him.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder - treatment

Rational psychotherapy is capable of using a hypnotic session, narcotic hypnotherapy (caffeine, barbamil is introduced) to relieve a person from a mental disorder. If you are puzzled by the question "How to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder?", Specialists can recommend that you take a course of treatment with neuroleptic drugs in large doses (tryptazine, frenolone).

Remember that if you or your loved ones have symptoms of this neurotic condition, you should immediately seek the advice of a specialist. He will put the correct diagnosis and, in which case, prescribe the appropriate treatment.