Solar signs

The sun illuminates our whole life with its rays, both physical and non-material. People in sunny weather create a huge number of signs, because in the bright days the future is better, the ways to overcome any problems are much better. It is also possible to predict all this not only on sunny days, but also on the motion of other planets, because each sign of the Zodiac has its own. So why not focus only on Mercury or Venus? Each planet has its own zodiac year, and they do not move in a monotonous way, and if you watch them from the Earth, their location will change every year. And the Sun always moves in one direction, and in any year it will be where it was last year, and where it will be in the next. Therefore, on sunny days, signs will have a greater effect. But if you pay attention only to the Sun, you will see that there will be no special changes in life. After all, it only shows its light on other planets, and all the solar signs can be determined only in conjunction with the state and location of the remaining planets.

People from distant times gave the Sun the title of the most important star in the sky. And what a horror was in solar eclipses. At some time it was even thought that this giant monster wants to absorb the Sun, and the brave warriors grabbed their weapons and drums, rushed to help win Svetilo. Later, the solar eclipse began to include various signs.

Signs in a solar eclipse

To begin with, there are some of the most important signs in a solar eclipse. Each time it turns out that in the year when this phenomenon was happening, an unsuccessful harvest came out. And then a small amount of collected badly stored and not for long. Also there is a love sign: the wedding offer is made at the time of the solar eclipse. After all, it is then that the Sun, obscured by the Moon, looks like a huge ring, and the girl can not refuse.

And in our time on the day of the eclipse of the Sun sensitive people can feel some kind of nervousness and anxiety. That is why it is advised that nothing new should be started on this day. Some people prefer not to fall under the rays of such a Sun.

People's signs in a solar eclipse say that one should not be exposed to risk, engage in the purchase of something large, drive a car , consume alcoholic beverages, etc. Readers on the stars believe that the day of a solar eclipse must be abandoned with habits and things that are no longer needed and only weigh. For this it is necessary to prepare physically and spiritually for two weeks. And after the phenomenon, a week or two can not become furious, avoid feelings of hatred, you must lead a healthy lifestyle, be kind and generous to others.