Why does the evil dog dream?

Dreams can be filled with different events, which are more or less intertwined with real life. It is believed that the pictures seen in dreams carry certain information that can tell about the future and the present. In real life, an angry dog ​​is associated only with bad events, and now we'll figure out what a dream can mean with her participation.

Why does the evil dog dream?

A dream in which the main object of the plot was a strongly barking angry dog, means that soon in life there will be many troubles that will be organized more by enemies. A similar plot for a man, on the contrary, is a favorable symbol, indicating that there are forces to change the existing state of things for the better. If the evil dog attacked, then soon you will have to endure treachery from the side of a loved one. A dream in which a dog growls behind his back means that one should prepare for big losses, and the planned one will not become a reality.

A dream interpretation of what an evil dog dreams about to a woman is interpreted as a favorable symbol, meaning that in the near future she will meet a faithful and loving man with whom one can build a strong and lasting marriage. If the animal first behaved aggressively, and then, became calm and affectionate, then soon the woman expects success in his personal life and work.

Seeing how a dog bites another person to protect you is a good sign, which means you can count on luck. Do not worry, because all existing obstacles will be overcome. Night vision, where it was necessary to drive away the evil dog from the child, means that in the future it will be necessary to help close people.

Why does a big black evil dog dream?

Such a dream is a bad sign, warning about the occurrence of troubles, which will be hazardous to health. Dream, in which the girl was bitten by a black dog, prophesies the receipt of a proposal of the hand and heart. Unfortunately, but the dream book does not say whether the marriage will be successful or not.

Why does an evil dog dream about chains?

If the dog was on a chain, then soon the dreamer expects a lot of work. To cope with all the surging affairs, you have to work hard, forgetting about normal sleep and rest.

Why dream of killing an angry dog?

Such a dream is a good sign, which indicates that all existing problems will be solved and life will improve.