Feast of Peter and Paul - signs

The feast of Peter and Paul is dedicated to the disciples of Christ, who suffered great suffering during their lifetime. The priests recommend devoting this day to thoughts of humility. With the feast of Peter and Paul, many different signs and superstitions are connected, many of which people still observe. During the lifetime of the saints engaged in the dissemination of the teachings of the gospel. The holiday is celebrated on July 12.

Signs and ceremonies of Peter and Paul

To begin with, I would like to say that superstitions appeared not just because of it, but as a result of the observance of people and various traditions of numerous generations. For example, on this day people organized fairs, and if a person wanted to improve his financial situation, then he must definitely take part in it and sell as many goods as possible.

People's signs for the feast of Peter and Paul:

  1. It is believed that from this day until the end of summer there are exactly 40 days left.
  2. It is forbidden to work in the field on this day, because plants have special strength, and one can not touch them. If you ignore this prohibition, then the harvest will be bad.
  3. A well-known sign of weather for the day of Peter and Paul says that the rain on this holiday is a harbinger of a good harvest.
  4. If after this holiday a person hears the nightingale sing, then winter will be early and cold. In the event that the cuckoo was cuckooed is a sign that the summer will last a very long time.
  5. A rich dew on the grass testifies to the rich mowing.
  6. Sunny weather indicates that summer next year will certainly be long and warm.
  7. There is another sign on the Feast of Peter and Paul, which has a prohibitory nature. This day you can not eat the fruits new crop, and who violated this taboo, deprived himself of his fate.
  8. After dinner, it is prohibited to remove from the table so that deceased relatives can also celebrate the holiday. If the ban is violated, then a person must necessarily go to church and put a candle for the rest.
  9. According to one of the folk notes on Peter and Paul on this day on the table should be sure to eat 12 dishes.

One of the most popular rituals on the night of July 12 is connected with the search for a treasure. People went to the forest, trying to find a blossoming Peter cross. It was necessary to pry the root of the plant. It was believed that this would help improve the material situation and find hidden treasures. There is a rite that helps to ensure a good harvest of fruits, for which it is necessary to sprinkle trees with young wine from apples.