Signs of Indian summer

Indian summer is like a sweet affectionate woman: it will be easy to embrace, gently press to a warm chest and give a mother's kiss, and the soul is filled with peace and happiness. So in these days, when nature, already preparing for the autumn weather and winter cold, suddenly looks back at the almost gone summer and enjoys its warm days, delayed in the autumn. The signs of the Indian summer are well known and remind us of the upcoming autumn-winter cold.

About the signs

  1. People's signs say that the weather on the day of the beginning of the Indian summer and its end is always the same.
  2. The beginning of the autumn heat was marked by the holiday of Simeon Stylites, when they were preparing the cucumbers for the winter, and the signs of the Indian summer claimed that the vegetables salted on that day would be especially tasty and strong.
  3. It was considered that hunting at this time would not only be successful, but would also strengthen the health of both hunters and animals, who together with them took part in the hunt.

The folk signs of the Indian summer reported that warm and dry weather these days foreshadows a rainy autumn with a big harvest of mushrooms, and conversely, the rainy summer of the summer will be replaced by dry autumn, and the harvest of mushrooms in this case can not be counted.

There were also funny signs and superstitions in this period. In the villages they buried ... flies! Yes Yes. People's beliefs forbade them to kill until the beginning of Indian summer, and their destruction was precisely during this period, believed, relieved the dwelling of these annoying insects. So did the cockroaches.

Indian summer is rich in signs not only relating to the weather. At this time, weddings were usually played, and unmarried girls guessed on flax fibers to their suitors, trying to understand whether the chosen one would be kind and generous. If the first fibers lay flat, the husband will be just like that.

In the evenings the girls were playing round dances, singing songs and playing games, and the boys went to a dance to choose brides - the people cheerfully passed the last warm days.