Lose the glove is a sign

Loss of gloves - the situation is by no means rare. We shoot them in public transport, indoors, away, and it's not surprising that from time to time one or both of them are lost. Note that the signs in the life of specific people sometimes incarnate in different ways. If you have repeatedly lost one or a pair of gloves, remember what events followed after that. If you do not see anything remarkable, then this sign does not work for you. So, consider the signs that apply if you lose your glove.

To forget gloves is a sign

If you forget gloves on a visit and come back for them, be sure to find an excuse to sit down for at least a few seconds. This prevents a negative sign that you can no longer return to this house. If you have sat in the house, then the negative meaning of the sign will not be realized. This is important to do in cases where you do not want to lose your friend living in this house.

Why lose a glove?

It is worth noting that the signs regarding gloves and other pairs of objects are somewhat similar. In other words, if you lose one of the two items, it usually means losing contact with someone with whom you have been communicating for a while.

Long since gloves have served as a symbol of honor. The lady could give a beloved glove as a token of its location. If one man wanted to summon another to a duel, he threw him a glove. Of course, such a loss of gloves can not be summed up under a common denominator with a sign, since in these cases they deliberately parted with gloves.

If you suddenly lost one glove, in any case, do not store the second, because in the hands of an experienced witch The lost part of the pair can turn into a powerful weapon against you. If you throw away the remaining glove, all magical actions against you simply do not reach the addressee.

Another common interpretation of the sign is that the loss of a glove promises trouble. Do not get hung up on this, because negative thoughts will attract more problems into your life than any signs.

In case you dropped your glove, it's best to ask her to pick up someone else, because lifting a fallen thing yourself is another nasty sign that promises minor problems.

To negative signs do not have to you, just buy yourself beautiful gloves , which you will want to follow. You will not lose such a thing.