Infacol for newborns

Most young parents can not avoid the situation when a newborn, sleeping for the first few weeks a day, begins to tear for hours with weeping. The kid seemed to be replaced: a shrill cry is accompanied by a swelling of the tummy, and the legs are always compressed. Obviously, he is in pain. Moms call it gases, and doctors diagnose colic. But do not be scared. Colic in an infant is not a disease, but a temporary condition that, by the fourth or fifth month of life, will not disturb him. It is associated with immaturity of the intestine, which is difficult to adapt to new foods, which is breast milk or an adapted mixture.

However, it is impossible not to pay attention to continuous crying. Parents try to help the baby with all available methods. No matter what they do, they will not be able to get rid of colic finally. It is not for nothing that this period is considered the most difficult during the first year of life.

Tummy tuck

Perhaps the easiest way to calm a baby is to take it in his arms. There is an opinion that the energy field (the so-called aura) in children under the age of seven with their mother is common, so it is worth trying to carry the baby in your arms so that the abdomen of the mother and the baby touch. If the concept of aura makes you smile, then you can not argue with the fact that the warmth of the mother's body will calm the baby.

If the colic does not just give up and continue to annoy the child, it is worth trying the carminative drugs. This group includes agents that expel accumulated gases from the digestive canal. They usually contain essential oils of parsley seeds, caraway seeds, dill, fennel. This includes drugs with Simethicone - an inert chemical that provokes the unification of many small gas bubbles into large, and large bubbles are much easier to leave the intestine in a natural way. One such drug is infacol. Use infakol for newborns can be from the first day of life. The drug is used to treat colic and spasms caused by gases. In a few days the child will become much easier and cry will stop.

Rules for receiving intafolos

And though the colic is not a disease, any medicine should be prescribed by a doctor. The duration of treatment and dosage of the infocola are also determined by the pediatrician.

In the annotation of the drug, of course, it is indicated how to give infakol to the child. First, the suspension should not be diluted. Secondly, it should be taken before each meal. Usually take infakol as prophylaxis of colic is recommended in the amount of 0.5 ml, in the absence of improvements, the dose can be doubled by the doctor's decision. Do not rush to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of treatment and the quality of the drug, because the highest therapeutic effect of infacola is observed only three days after the start of its administration.


Usually newborns and infants are well tolerated by infacol. Substances that are part of the infacola, do not affect other organs and systems. In isolated cases, an allergic reaction may develop, which is manifested by a rash and itching. To get rid of these manifestations, it is enough just to cancel the reception of the infacola.

The age that brings the parents and the baby some problems will soon be over. Time flies so quickly that in a few months the intestine of the baby will be ready to work at full strength, and a couple of months later the child will gladly start to try adult food. In the meantime, parents should be patient and patronizing.