Cocktail with raw egg

Cocktails from eggs are widely distributed among athletes. And no wonder, because they contain a huge amount of protein. But pay attention to the fact that a person needs no more than 5-7 eggs per week, otherwise the body will receive only harm and digestive problems instead of good. So you can enjoy such cocktails, but not very often. But from each rule there are exceptions. So in this case: harm can only cause excessive consumption of yolks, this does not apply to proteins.

Cocktail of eggs



In raw eggs, separate the proteins from the yolks and place them in a blender, add nuts there, all this is shaken. After that, pour in the milk and spread the honey, again we mix everything. Such a cocktail of milk and eggs is desirable to drink chilled. Do not store it in order to avoid spoilage.

Milkshake with egg and champagne



In the bowl of the blender we place everything except champagne and whisk it well. We pour out a cocktail of rum , milk and eggs for 2 glasses and top with champagne. Milk cocktail with champagne is ready!

Cocktail of quail eggs

It is believed that raw eggs can be eaten dangerously, since they can be contaminated with salmonella. Therefore, for such purposes it is better to take the tested eggs. With quail eggs, there is no such problem, since quails of salmonella are not affected.



All the ingredients are placed in a blender and beat until foam is obtained. A cocktail with whipped quail eggs is ready. By the way, sugar in this recipe, if desired, can be replaced with honey.