Why the pear does not bear fruit - the reasons

Pear tree is quite demanding, capricious and when cultivating it is necessary to take into account numerous nuances, without knowledge and fulfillment of which the crop may be late. Many do not understand why the pear does not bear fruit, although it is already at least ten years old and what to do in this situation - wait again or cut.

When does the pear usually begin to bear fruit?

The tree after planting the first two years actively builds up the root system, and therefore the fruit will not tie up and this is normal. If the ovary appeared on a small unreliable tree, then it must be removed, otherwise the process of root formation will be delayed, and the forces will be spent on ripening the fruits.

Most common pear after planting fructifies when the root system is already sufficiently developed. This occurs 4 to 9 years after planting, but more often depends on the type of tree and the conditions of growth. For example, there are varieties that give their first pears after 10-15 years of growth!

Colon-shaped pears, although they have a life cycle much shorter than normal, begin to give the first fruits already for 2-3 years after planting.

The reasons why pears do not bear fruit for a long time

So, your tree has already celebrated its first anniversary, and you have not torn the juicy sweet pears from it yet. Let's see what can be done in this seemingly desperate situation:

  1. The first and most basic thing that can affect the fruiting of the tree is the way of planting. If the pit was too deep and the root neck was under the ground, then you can not see the fruit. To remedy the situation, the young, newly planted tree should be transplanted, and the old one should be unearthed until the root neck appears.
  2. And the reverse situation - the pear is too high, and the frosts affect the root collar every year. To fix the problem, the tree should be bored in such a way that it only protrudes above the surface.
  3. In order for flowers to be pollinated, another pear should grow next door. If it is not, then you need to plant next to another tree.
  4. The root system of the pear is very vulnerable and early frosts, when there is no snow cover, have the most negative effect on flowering and fruiting. That is why all sorts of concealments of the near-shore circle by natural materials are so important in the cold season.
  5. Another reason why a pear does not bear fruit for a long time or poorly binds fruit is a poor soil composition. The tree is very demanding for food, and therefore regular feeding is just necessary. Many unfruitful trees blossom every spring, but then they drop their ovaries. It may be the consequence of soil blocking in low-lying areas or shallow water occurrence.
  6. The opposite situation is observed when the soil is excessively fertilized, especially for manure. On such a land, a tree gives a large increase in young shoots, but does not bind fruit. The way out is to clear the crown (pruning) and cut a part of the bark in a circle around the main branches, and also stop fertilizing the soil.

If your tree does not want to give fruit, it can be pruned and planted on it is guaranteed a fruit-bearing variety, which will yield in two years.