Dark laminate

A dark shade of the floor is considered to be a classic technique in decorating a room. No matter how many new solutions appear, and searches always begin with the usual brown or gray shade of wood. And for that there are many reasons, because it's not in vain that the dark-colored laminate is presented in the widest range in any construction market.

Dark laminate in the interior

First of all, we immediately outline the reasons why dark laminate does not choose:

  1. It's likely you've already heard that the dark floor visually reduces space and somewhat obscures an already small room. This is really so, and the dark laminate in the room may well do you such a disservice. If only you do not pay more attention to lighting , and do not make it multi-level, which will somewhat correct the situation.
  2. When your room during the day is lit by natural light, the dark laminate becomes an excellent background, on which all the dust is visible as in the palm of your hand.

This, perhaps, is two contraindications to the choice of precisely dark color. As for the question of the type of coating, namely matte or glossy, then there is much to think about. Even a very saturated glossy laminate of dark chocolate color will not seem so gloomy. But such a coating has a significant drawback: all the scratches on it become prominent almost immediately. But on the matte coating, all the spots and dirt are visible.

But all these shortcomings with interest overlap with dignity, not in vain because the dark laminate in the interior is used so actively. First, it is a universal option for any style of decoration. When we create cozy rooms in the usual classical or modern laconic style, we use dark brown laminate.

But high-tech, some rare in our houses styles like Art Deco or Scandinavian, it will harmoniously complement the dark gray laminate. At first glance, it seems too unusual for us, but in fact, dark gray laminate will be a perfect background for the interior in yellow-orange, blue, beige and even neutral green tones.