Nodal uterine myoma

Myoma of the uterus is a benign tumor that forms from the connective tissue and muscle fibers in the muscular layer of the uterus. This disease, as a rule, occurs in women after 30 years. At every sixth woman older than this age, on examination of the gynecologist this new growth is revealed. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a multiple nodular uterine myoma is found. In medical practice, there are nodal fibroids, both uterine bodies and cervical uteri.


The impetus to the formation of myoma nodes is a violation of the hormonal balance. As it was said above, the disease is typical for mature women. But lately the tumor is haunting young girls. The reason for the appearance of a tumor at such an early age is the wrong development of the cells during intrauterine development.

Symptoms of uterine fibroids

Symptoms of fibroid may include the following symptoms:

How to treat the nodal uterine fibroids?

Treatment of nodal uterine myoma is usually carried out with hormonal preparations. This is due to the fact that the very appearance of nodules occurs when the hormonal background is violated. If you stabilize the level of hormones, the nodules will dissolve by themselves. If conservative (without surgical intervention) methods do not improve the situation, myomas are surgically removed.

The operation to remove the nodal uterine fibroids is carried out if the patient:

Indications for an urgent operation are:

The uterine form of the uterine myoma in the advanced stage requires removal of the entire uterus, so you can not start the disease. In addition to such a cardinal intervention, there are several other methods of tumor removal. The least traumatic of all type of operation is removal of myoma nodes through the vagina. You may need to make a cut in the lower abdomen. Or a few small incisions - laparoscopy. Another operation can be done with a hysteroscope.

If you have an operation, carefully approach the choice of doctor and clinic. After all, it depends on the doctor, how you will transfer the operation, what your body will look like and how long the myoma will not bother you. He will decide how to remove the tumor, and what organs to leave and which ones to remove.

Nodular uterine myoma in pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, myoma nodes soften and increase in size, but become more plastic. Often, myoma and pregnancy are incompatible concepts, the risk of miscarriage or premature birth is very high. In the case of a large tumor or its rapid growth, doctors recommend an artificial termination of pregnancy. The same recommendation is given to patients with diagnosed myoma of the cervix.

To prevent serious consequences, visit the gynecologist once every six months and listen to your body.