Is it possible to have sex with cystitis?

Inflammation of the bladder is a common female disease, which is also called cystitis. Men, too, can suffer from this ailment, but due to anatomical features such a diagnosis threatens them much less often than representatives of the opposite sex. It is possible to identify the main causes that can cause the disease:

The illness requires timely treatment, which will take some time. Couples sometimes wonder whether it is possible to have sex with cystitis. People do not want to deprive themselves of pleasure, but there is a need to assess possible health risks. Therefore, it is necessary to understand certain information.

Can I have sex during cystitis in women?

The inflammation of the bladder can not be transmitted sexually. This fact means that when intimacy is not possible to infect the parterre with cystitis. But it is desirable to give up intima before recovery. The doctor will tell the patient how much you can have sex after cystitis.

In women, the disease becomes the cause of abdominal incisions , as well as frequent urination. Because sex can cause unpleasant feelings.

The condition of the girl can worsen from physical exertion, which includes sex. At the sexual certificate or act pressure on a bladder is possible, it can seriously be reflected in gravity of disease. In addition, even if a woman has almost recovered, then sex can cause a relapse of the ailment.

If the cystitis was caused not by hypothermia or, for example, by low immunity, but by an infection, that is, the risk of infecting her partner.

Proceeding from this, it can be concluded that there is no strict prohibition of sexual activity during the period of the disease, but recommendations for refusing intimacy are justified.

Can I have sex with cystitis in men?

It is known that the guys this diagnosis also occurs, though less often. It is noted that the disease in the stronger sex is due to infections. The guy should give up intimacy, even if he is suspected of a disease. When sex is infected, the infection will necessarily rise higher in the urinary canal and lead to new foci of inflammation. This will aggravate the situation and complicate the treatment.

In addition, the ailment can cause pain with the most sexual intercourse, as well as at the time of ejaculation.

The risk remains to infect the partner with the infection, which became the cause of the disease.

The best question is whether you can have sex while treating cystitis, ask your doctor. He certainly will be able to give an exhaustive answer.


In the event that, despite the diagnosis, the couple decided to have sex, it will be useful to listen to some tips:

If the sexual intercourse causes discomfort, then you must still take care of your health and wait until you can have sex after cystitis.