Additional mammary glands under the mouse

Some young mothers with the arrival of milk with amazement find a big bump under their arm, which increases and in general behaves strangely. Of course, this is a good reason for panic, because it is difficult to immediately assume that this swelling under the arm can be an additional mammary gland. The first impulse - to consult a mammologist, will be the most correct, as only the doctor will be able to establish whether axillary formation is any tumor or inflamed lymph node.

If the ultrasound of the mammary glands was found that there is an additional lobule under the armpit, do not be afraid. Nothing dangerous in this. A bit strange, but for life and health, no risk.

Additional mammary glands - anomaly of development

Additional mammary glands are related to abnormalities of breast development. Extra lobules are most often located in the armpit. Few girls learn about their features long before the birth of the baby, when it shows up at a doctor's appointment or lobules are visible to the naked eye. It happens that directly into the armpit opens the milky duct, which can look like a regular pimple.

During pregnancy and after childbirth, such an anomaly becomes apparent. In an additional share of the breast, as in the whole breast, comes milk, which can even drip from under the mouse or stand out when pressed down the duct.

Additional breast share - what to do?

If the extra glands appeared during the lactation period, the main task for the nursing woman is to monitor the lobules in order to avoid stagnation of milk in them. The best thing is to try not to stimulate the gland, and then the milk will eventually cease to act in it. If this does not help, then you need to gently express the milk and use a massage to expel it from the gland to prevent lactostasis and mastitis.

After the end of lactation, the additional glands may decrease to a completely imperceptible state and will not cause any inconvenience to their possessor. But it is possible and another option, when the lobules will still be visible, and with their decrease under the arms, the skin will hang. In this case, if desired, women spend the removal of an additional proportion of the breast. The operation is done under general anesthesia, and the recovery period lasts from 2 weeks to a month.

In general, doctors do not advise to touch excess lobules, if they do not interfere and spoil the appearance of the female body. For additional glands, mammologists are recommended simply to observe and more often to undergo ultrasound of the breast.