Lymphostasis in breast cancer

The main problem faced by women in the treatment of breast cancer is lymphostasis. The disease is a violation of the outflow of lymph from the breast. As a rule, it is observed in the limb from which the operative intervention was carried out. In this case, an increase in the arm occurs in the volume, there is severe pain, resulting in a disruption of the function of the motor apparatus.

How does it happen?

As a rule, lymphostasis of the mammary gland arises from the violation of the normal outflow of lymph from the tissues. This is due to the fact that when performing surgery for breast cancer, lymphadenectomy is performed in the armpit, - the removal of lymph nodes. They are very often the zones of metastasis.

The frequency of lymphostasis after removal of the breast depends on the volume of lymphadenectomy performed. The more it is, the greater the likelihood of lymphostasis. However, there is no direct relationship between the volume of lymphadenectomy and the volume of future lymphostasis.

Additional reasons

In addition to surgery on the dairy division, lymphostasis can also be caused by:

How to fight?

In order to prevent the violation of lymphatic circulation from the breast, a woman must adhere to a number of recommendations. The main ones are:

  1. Reducing the degree of load on the limb for a long time after the operation on the breast. During the first year of rehabilitation - do not raise more than 1 kg; over the next 4 years - up to 2 kg, and up to 4 kg for the rest of the time.
  2. Perform any work exclusively with a healthy hand, including carrying a bag. At the first manifestation of fatigue in the limb, it should be relaxed.
  3. The exclusion of all labor, which involves a long stay in a tilted position, in which hands are omitted: washing the floors, working in the suburban area, washing, etc.
  4. To sleep exclusively on a healthy side or on the back, since the side on which the operation was performed is very sensitive even to small compression.
  5. It is prohibited on the arm, from which the operation was conducted, to measure arterial pressure, to carry out injections, to take samples of analyzes.

Thus, by following the above recommendations, it is possible to prevent lymphostasis of the breast.