How to collect mercury from the carpet?

Many people use mercury thermometers , not knowing what the danger is in these simple products. Inside of them is mercury, which is one of the most dangerous substances for health. It has the property of evaporating at room temperature, poisoning the air in the room. Mercury vapor enters the body during respiration, causing dermatitis , headaches, drooling, kidney damage and trembling of the limbs. The substance affects the nervous system and can even cause insanity. However, if you remove the minute droplets of mercury from the floor in time, then all these symptoms may not occur. So, how to collect mercury from the carpet? About this below.

Ways of cleaning

First you need to open all the windows and carefully ventilate the room. Doors in the room are best closed to prevent the spread of mercury vapor throughout the apartment. After that you can start cleaning. Mercury on the carpet is removed in one of the following ways:

  1. A syringe with a thick needle or a rubber pear . With their help, you can remove small droplets of mercury. If these products are not available, then try to sweep the balls on a piece of paper, using cotton or a soft brush. After cleaning with a flashlight, light the floors. If mercury balls are left on the surface, they will immediately be reflected and you can collect from.
  2. A can of water . Fill the jar with cold water and place the mercury balls there. They will go to the bottom of the tank, therefore, their evaporation will be impossible. A bank with a hazardous substance should be sent to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  3. Subsequent processing . After mechanical collection of the substance, chemical cleaning should be carried out. To do this, wash the floors with a cleaning agent containing chlorine. You can also use a soap solution or manganese.

Is it possible to clean mercury with a vacuum cleaner?

Using a vacuum cleaner, you only accelerate the evaporation of mercury. In addition, on its engine a dangerous mercury film is formed, which becomes a source of poisoning of air in the apartment.