Impairment of consciousness

Consciousness is a kind of mental ideal of each of us. Consciousness thinks, feels, perceives, reacts. That is, it is a clear consciousness. A violation of consciousness is a defect of one or more functions of the brain. Doctors of ambulance often face syndromes of impaired consciousness as symptoms or consequences of various diseases - infections, injuries or inflammation of the brain, intoxication, etc.

Types of impaired consciousness

There are a lot of types of disorders of consciousness, including coma.

  1. Coma - this, no matter how mockingly sounded, a big hibernation. Complete absence of consciousness, in which the patient does not react to external stimuli, pain, or cry. Reflexes are turned off. Coma occurs with very serious diseases, such as diabetes mellitus , renal and hepatic insufficiency, alcohol poisoning.
  2. Stupor is another common type of mental disorder in psychology. The patient loses touch with the outside world, responds to questions sluggishly, not in essence. Can fall asleep during a conversation, fall into a stupor.
  3. Sopor (it should not be confused with a stupor) is a complete stupor. The patient is in a state of semi-hibernation, screaming, pinching, and blow instantly take him out of obscurity, but not for long.
  4. Obsession is the patient's indifference to himself and to the world as a whole. He does not lose his reason, answers questions on the merits, though reluctantly, and with delay. Obfuscation can occur as a result of a strong shock and be short-lived.
  5. Hallucinations are also a kind of mental disorder. They can be auditory, visual, olfactory. With auditory hallucinations, the patient outwardly talks to himself, but actually talks with an imaginary interlocutor or a second "I". With visual (often occur with alcoholism), the patient can see how he is attacked by spiders, crawling out of the closet, how his bed is covered with ants, etc.