Theories of personality development

From the course of psychology, it is known that a person, as a person, is formed under the influence of many factors: his interaction with the rest of the people, the rules of the society in which he is and the childhood-grafted ideal forms of behavior.

In psychology, the theory of personality development occupies a special place. Carrying out a mass of interviews and experiments, allows you to predict the model of human behavior, and to form the basic theory of the development of his personality. The most popular of them are known since the middle of the twentieth century, and we will tell about them in our article.

The theory of personality development of Freud

All known professor Sigmund Freud, put forward the theory that the personality itself is a set of internal psychological formations, consisting of three parts: Id (it), Ego (I) and Superego (super-I). According to the basic theory of the development of the personality of Freud, with the active and harmonious interaction of these three components, a human personality is formed.

If Id - emits energy, which, when released, allows a person to experience pleasure from such earthly goods as sex, food intake, etc. then the Ego, is responsible for controlling everything that happens. For example, if a person experiences a feeling of hunger, the Ego determines what can be eaten and what not. Superego combines the goals of life, values, people, leading to the desire to meet their ideals and beliefs.

In long studies, there is also a theory of the development of the creative personality. It is based on the fact that a person, while searching for goals and ideas that can benefit himself and others, seeks to find a way to make them more profitable. When the problem is solved, the individual finds invaluable experience, sees the result of his work, which inspires him to new actions, inventions and discoveries. This contributes to the development of personality, according to theory.