How to remove a stain from tea on white?

A delicious, refreshing and healing drink called tea is popular with millions of people, but sometimes a pleasant tea party for some of its connoisseurs ends up with such minor troubles as specks on their snow-white clothes. Dark tannins, present in the leaves of this plant, are able to harden into the tissue, causing the appearance of yellow-brown divorces. We suggest you not to indulge in despair in such cases, but to test in practice very good folk ways how to remove stains from tea from shirts , towels of blouses, trousers, carpets or upholstery. Often they are more effective than using expensive stain removers of foreign manufacture.

How can you remove a stain from tea?

  1. Very much in many similar recipes the main ingredient is glycerin. For example, try mixing two tablespoons of this preparation with 0.5 teaspoon of ammonia and soak in the resulting solution with a tampon. Then wipe the dirty place with the product and wash the clothes in clean water.
  2. A very common method, how to infer dark spots of tea with white clothes, is a recipe using gruel from glycerin and salt. This product can discolor even large dirty stains, but it should be used carefully. Gruel does not need to be kept on the surface of the fabric for too long, as soon as the cleaning process is over, immediately wash clothes in normal mode.
  3. A more complicated case is cleaning of old stained spots. Take 2 teaspoons of citric acid and a spoonful of oxalic acid, and then dissolve these reagents in 1 glass of water. Dampen the sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the problem area on your clothes, at the end of the cleaned things you need to wash.
  4. If nothing helps, then sometimes mistresses risk using chlorine. Alas, but it is better not to use it on soft synthetics or wool, otherwise you may have a hole instead of a dirty spot.
  5. A solution of a spoonful of ammonia in a liter of water can also serve to clean up spoiled things, spattered with a tea drink. It is necessary to put a clean napkin from below, and then to clean the dirty sponges with a sponge from above. It happens that after this method, how to remove the stain from tea, on a white sweater or shirt, there remain small residual stains. They are removed with a 10% solution of citric acid, followed by rinsing after 15 minutes in plain water.