Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages

Diagnosis of pregnancy in the early stages causes difficulties for women themselves, suspecting their situation. The thing is that the signs appearing at the beginning of the gestation process can be characteristic for other conditions, and sometimes for violations. Let's take a closer look at the whole process and tell you how the early diagnosis of pregnancy is carried out.

What should a girl do if she suspects she is pregnant?

First of all, it is necessary to conduct an express test. This is known to almost all women, but not always they correctly use it.

Firstly, it makes no sense to conduct such a check earlier than 12-14 days after the last intimate connection. This is the time it is necessary that in case of pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone reaches the level that is necessary for diagnosis. Secondly, it is necessary to do the test exclusively in the morning.

If we talk directly about how the early diagnosis of pregnancy is carried out, even before the delay occurs, then, as a rule, it is based on:

The most reliable method for diagnosing pregnancy is ultrasound, which can be carried out early. So doctors already literally on 5-6 week can diagnose the given fact. In addition, this study helps to accurately establish the localization of the fetal egg and eliminate such complications as an ectopic pregnancy. If an ultrasound is not observed for 8 weeks, the doctors diagnose such a violation as a frozen pregnancy.

Also, a considerable diagnostic value has also a blood test for hormones. It is through it that you can determine the level of hormones such as hCG and progesterone. The first indicates the presence of pregnancy, and the concentration of the second indicates the state of the gestation process.