When to transplant lilies after flowering?

Lily is a flower for many years. However, in one place it can not be grown for a long time, since every year the plant grows more and more, its flowers grow smaller, and then the lily will cease to bloom.

How often to transplant lilies?

If you want to admire these beautiful flowers every year, then once in 3-4 years the lily must be transplanted. Some varieties, for example, American hybrids, are transplanted once in a decade. Others, such as Asian hybrids, need to be transplanted every year, as bulbs grow very fast.

When can I change garden lilies?

The timing of the transplantation of lilies depends on their variety, and also on the climate in which they grow. Many flower growers are interested in the question: is it possible to transplant lilies after flowering and when is it better to do it?

Experienced flower lovers consider the best time for a lilies fall transplant - a period when bulbs of flowers are at rest. If your flower garden grows lilies of medium flowering, they can be transplanted a month after they bloom. This time, the lilies are enough to bulbs have got stronger and had time to prepare for the winter .

But if your lilies bloom late, and a month after that it will be cold, then the bulbs can not get along well in a new place. After all, if the temperature of the soil drops below zero, then the bulbs can be supercooled, the growth of their roots will be delayed, and the plant may die. Therefore, in areas where autumn frosts occur early, lily transplants should be postponed until spring.

In temperate regions, autumn lily transplantation is carried out in August-September, when plants have finished flowering, and underground shoots have accumulated enough nutrients. By this time, instead of a single planted bulb, several new ones were formed.

If you need to transplant the lily later, then remember that the lily transplanted in colder weather will need to be thoroughly covered for the winter. And such a lily can blossom the next year with delay.

In the spring transplantation of lilies, another problem arises: the need to preserve the onions excavated in the autumn until spring. For this, it is necessary to dig bulbs of lilies in October: by this time they will already have enough nutrient reserves.

Bulbs should be dug, shake off excess land and put in a bag of polyethylene with holes for air. Between the layers of onions lay wet sawdust. Such a package is kept all winter in the refrigerator.

With the onset of warm spring days, the bulbs are planted in the soil mixed with sand and pereprevshuyu foliage.

Can I transplant lilies in the summer?

The only kind of lily that is transplanted in summer is the snow-white lily (candidum). This particular flower has a rest period in the middle of summer. In this period, in July-August, the lily must be transplanted, since in September the plant will begin to form a new rosette. Optimum frequency of transplantation of white lily - once in five years.

Can I transplant flowering lilies?

Asian hybrids of lilies can be transplanted almost at any time and even during their flowering period. The main requirement for transplanting these plants is to try not to damage the fragile rootlets, and in a new place it is good to water the transplanted lily. In this case, flowers and buds are better to break. So the lily is easier to take root, and next year you will admire her beautiful large flowers.

Florists note that those bulbs of lilies that were planted in the spring, develop faster than the lilies of the autumn transplant. Therefore, before you begin to transplant the lilies, decide on the optimal time for this work.