Why 666 is the number of the devil?

The number 666 is an ideal imperfection and godlessness over all existing dimensions that may be under God, as some sources say. Many answering the question why 666 is the number of the devil explain this by the fact that it is obtained from 2 x 333, and the number 333 is the number of the god, signifying its sanctity and mystery.

What does the devil number 666 mean?

According to the Bible, this is the name of the Devil, the Antichrist, the Beast. The number appears in the Revelation of John in verse 18 of chapter 13, where the numbers 18 (6 + 6 + 6) and 13 symbolize death.

In the last book of the Bible, the number 666 is the name of the Beast with seven heads and ten horns that comes out of the sea (Rev. 13: 1, 17, 18). The beast is associated with the world political system exercising power over "every tribe and people, and language, and nation" (Revelation 13: 7). Three sixes indicate that the world political system is seen by God's eyes as deeply imperfect.

The names given by God have a deeper meaning. For example, Abram, God changed to Abraham, which means "the father of many", because he took from him the promise to become "the father of many nations" (Genesis 17: 5). In addition, he named the name of the beast 666 to determine its characteristic features.

In the Bible, numbers often appear as symbols. The number seven usually means completeness and perfection. In turn, number six, one less than seven, can indicate something incomplete or inadequate in the eyes of God and have a relationship with his enemies (1 Chronicles 20: 6; Daniel 3: 1).

Early Christians believed that the Devil would be one of the Roman emperors, where the sum of six Roman numerals would give the number 666 (I + V + X + L + C + D = 5 + 1 + 10 + 50 + 100 + 500 = 666).

Excursion to the history

With the number of 666, many very interesting and terrible facts from history are connected, even in the modern world with the number associated with unpleasant and tragic moments, most likely this will be the answer to the question why 666 is considered to be the number of the devil.

  1. The phone number that connected US President Nixon with the first astronaut landed on the moon was 666,666.
  2. The pyramid in front of the Louvre is covered with 666 glass plates.
  3. The German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact lasted 666 days (from 23.08.1939 to 20.06.1941).
  4. August 6, 1945, Hiroshima dropped the atomic bomb, in Japan then the rule of the dynasty of the emperor Hiro-Ito, who was the 666th ruler of the Land of the Rising Sun.
  5. The abbreviation WWW (World Wide Web, or Internet ), written in Hebrew consists of three letters "W" - meaning also the number 6 = 666.
  6. Using various operations on letters and numbers, many other names and items can also be reduced to the number 666: Bill Gates, exorcism, Sphinx, Dalai Lama, Vatican, Saddam Hussein, Internet, Mohammed, Hitler, Martin Luther, PC, York ...

Why is the number 666 considered a diabolical number?

It is widely believed that the number 666 "symbolizes the beast" and is used as a symbol of "evil" worship. Leaving aside rhetoric - this is a unique number, available in several unusual puzzles. Some researchers came to the conclusion that 666 is a metaphorical warning to mankind so as not to fall into bad situations (666 is the sum of all roulette numbers). Others say that in order to protect the world from antichrist, people should be vegetarians (if you put words in alphabetical order, the number 666 in the New Testament means the word "meat").

The number of the beast, found in the magical triangle of the Sun, it is also found on chessboards found in Masonic temples. A square consists of 6x6 squares containing numbers from 1 to 36. They are all arranged in such a way that each row and column has a sum equal to 111, and that the resulting squares are in the form of a chessboard with the same values.

The sum of the first numbers is 36: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + ... + 34 + 35 + 36 = 666.

36 is figuratively read "Three Sixes", and the value itself is obtained from the expression 6x6 = 36.

Active searches do not stop until now. Many believe that in the Revelation from John, when copying, they could make a mistake, and some scientists archeologists are firmly convinced of this and a real devilish number should be considered 616. But these are all unsubstantiated theories, and people from the century to the century consider the devil to be three sixes.