How to be protected without tablets?

The question of how you can protect yourself without pills is of great interest to modern women. After all, the side effects of hormonal drugs are very difficult for the female body, and unwanted pregnancy remains a frightening factor and does not allow you to hope for a happy accident. We will consider 5 options, than can be protected, except for tablets.

Method one: condom

If you are thinking how to protect yourself other than pills, then a condom is almost the first thing that comes to your mind. However, this option is more suitable in the event that you do not have a permanent partner. If he is, he is unlikely to like this idea, because it is not always convenient. This method can be combined with the calculation of ovulation and used only in a dangerous period, but in this case you will not be protected by 100%.

Method two: diaphragm or cap

Another way how to protect yourself without tablets is the barrier from the cap or diaphragm. This method is suitable for nulliparous women who have a permanent partner, but the sexual life is irregular. The introduction of the cap requires a certain skill, and if it has been incorrectly entered, the degree of protection will be low. Usually, the diaphragm is combined with spermicides to enhance the effect.

Method three: plaster

A patch is a hormonal remedy, and it has many of the side effects of tablets. It is convenient to use it: just attach the patch in an inconspicuous place and change it once a week. The patch has the same contraindications as the tablets.

Method four: chemical contraception

There is a large selection of vaginal capsules, tablets, tampons, suppositories, creams that contain chemicals that are harmful to spermatozoa. Frequent use of such drugs may cause irritation, so they can be used by girls who have an irregular sexual life . As a rule, their use is not very convenient, besides, the percentage of protection is not too high.

Method five: a shot once every 2-3 months

This is a hormonal remedy, which is injected by the doctor every 2-3 months. This method can be used only by women giving birth less than 40 years. It should be borne in mind that all side effects will last until the end of the injection, prevent or cancel its effect is impossible.

Knowing how to protect without tablets, you will surely pick up for yourself the best way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy.