A Woman's Look at a Man

It's no secret that in a dialogue of 60-70% of information a person receives not from words, but from nonverbal sources: gaze, gestures , manners to hold, intonation, etc. That's why a woman's view of a man can often say more than her words. If the speech sounds something that the person himself deliberately wants to convey to others, then the eyes give out everything that was not said.

The look of an unmarried woman

Unmarried women can choose different behavior strategies. Those who are in active search for a partner, as a rule, look attentively around, shoot their eyes at men, look at others. With such a woman it is easy to encounter a glance in the crowd, she seeks to hint at a person that is open to communication. With these women are often acquainted, and then you can come across a woman evaluating the look. But on closer examination, her eyes may turn out to be calling and somewhat sad - it all depends on how long she's been searching.

Another type of unmarried women prefers not to look at all. They are usually shy or have low self-esteem, so they simply do not expect attention from other people, and do not notice when someone is looking at them. Their eyes are usually lowered down, they are not inclined to look into the eyes of the interlocutor.

The look of a woman in love

When a woman is in love, her eyes are burning, her face has a slight smile and blush. In this state, any girl blooms, becomes more attractive and inviting. The look of a loving woman is always sparkling with joy, and usually she does not notice anyone around her, because she is focused on her thoughts and feelings.

What does the look of such a woman say? Only that nobody is interesting to her now, except for the object of love, she is happy and immersed in the pool of her sensations.

The look of a femme fatale

There is a rare category - fatal women. She is elegant, feminine, attractive, mysterious and delicious. At first it seems that she does not do anything special, behaves calmly, dressed feminely, but not frankly ... but all eyes are fixed on her. Later it becomes clear that in her every look, gesture, movement is read the iron self-confidence and its attractiveness.

Such a woman, if she looks at a man, she gives him her gaze, because she knows that almost anyone will be pleased with the attention of someone like her.

A woman's view of a man to attract attention

Many women use "shooting eyes" in order to attract the attention of a man and invite him to an acquaintance. In our society, not all men are positive about the direct initiative of the girl, so instead of going ahead, many women use different tricks and tricks to hint that she does not mind if he comes to her.

Looks like Such a look? There are several options:

  1. The girl looks at the guy's face, but as soon as he notices her gaze, she looks away confusedly.
  2. The girl looks first at the guy's face, then looks him over from head to toe, and then, noticing that he is looking, for a second, he stops looking at his face and looks away.
  3. The girl constantly "glances" at the man, as if she recognized him as an old acquaintance, but was not completely sure that she was not mistaken.

A woman's view of a man is a powerful weapon for an experienced fair sex. It is her eyes that she can hint to a nice man to get acquainted or make it clear to someone who does not like that he should not waste time.