Top 10 female sexual fantasies

Women are by nature much softer and more tender than the opposite sex. Therefore, in most cases, their sexual fantasies are more delicate. This does not mean that girls do not like passionate sex. They just prefer a little different sort of fantasy. Sociologists conducted a special survey, which revealed the most popular female sexual fantasies. Many psychologists have come to the conclusion that erotic fantasies visit girls much more often, unlike men.

Top 10

  1. More mature women want to dominate in sex, although for some reason they hide this fact. Fantasies about the primacy in bed can be very diverse and exotic. And this dominance can be expressed even in a rigid form, for example, to tie a man with handcuffs to a bed and do with it, whatever.
  2. This option is the reverse side of the first. There are women who like to obey and fulfill all the desires of men. They like all the men's commands and orders. Perhaps the most innocuous is the use of handcuffs. Contact must end with the mutual fulfillment of desires, it is this manifestation that is considered the best.
  3. It turns out that many women are attracted to the image of the so-called nocturnal stranger. At the same time, he must be tall, strong and courageous. Women just dream of meeting a nice stranger in the middle of the night and making love to him. As a rule, this man should not have clear-cut features, since all the charm lies in a mysterious image, which disappears immediately after the onset of the morning.
  4. Women working in offices often dream of having sex with their boss or colleague. Moreover, the situation should be sudden, without preliminary preparation. Sex on the office desk in the middle of a working day or after work is one of the main sexual fantasies. Also, women often dream of a resort romance.
  5. The innermost erotic fantasy is infinite love. Many women, especially those who have not made love for a long time, dream of hours of enjoyment lasting at least several hours. In this fantasy, true and sincere love plays a very large role when a woman is not able to tear herself away from the object of her adoration.
  6. It's amazing, but the most popular female fantasy is rape. But it should be noted that women dream of such fantasies only when they are practically impracticable, that is, being completely safe. The embodiment of this fantasy in real life is simply unacceptable. Instead, you can implement the second option or play role-playing games.
  7. One of the most coveted female fantasies is sex in an unusual place . The question of the realization of such a fantasy depends on the courage of one of the partners. Sex can happen anywhere - in the fitting room, tent, boat, on the roof, etc. This fantasy helps brighten up the gray routine and routine days.
  8. It also became known that many women just dream of playing the role of a prostitute at least once. Desire can be very different, from street prostitutes to elite. Such sex is passionate, bold and liberated, where a woman can fully reveal herself and manifest herself.
  9. Many women dream of exotic sex, in some unusual place with a partner of a different nationality. Often the object of such fantasies are the Italians, who are all known for their passion and romance at the same time. Here the options can be very different.
  10. There is also a fantasy about group sex. This fantasy is the least popular among all, but still has a place to be. At the same time competitors should be absent, and men should be beautiful, tanned and admired by a woman. In this situation, even the submission of a woman is possible.