Viagra for women - what is the difference between women's Viagra and men?

If we move away from hypocritical reasoning that talking about sex, sexual activity and drugs, its stimulating - the theme of "ugly," you can find that many of the problems arising in family life are associated with it. True, young people regard such conversations calmly and take them for granted, which can not be said about the representatives of the older generation, for whom the phrase "we do not have sex" remains very tenacious.

Are there any Viagra for women?

One of the directions of modern scientific research in pharmacology is the further development of drugs that increase male potency. At the same time, demand for them is growing day by day. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that incredible emotional and physical stress on the female body leads to a loss of interest in a close relationship with a man or a decrease in sexual activity. This situation sharply raised the issue of creating a drug for women.

Women's decline in sexual desire is often not physical, but psychological and develops against a backdrop of stress and prolonged nervous strain. Physical and mental fatigue lead to apathy, increased irritability, not passing impotence. Women's Viagra, recently appeared in pharmacies, is designed to return the woman the joy of sexual intercourse. At the same time, many are interested in whether it is possible to drink Viagra for women after 40 years. It is established that the developed drugs do not have age limits.

Why do I need Viagra for women?

The negative impact of stress and physical overload leads to a decrease in the sex drive of a woman to her sexual partner, which can result in a complete loss of interest in each other and a break in relations. The oppressed psychological state leads to the blocking of the centers of the brain responsible for sexual attraction and the reduction or violation of the blood supply to the organs during sexual intercourse, so it is important to know how the female Viagra acts on the body and does it harm it. The beneficial effect of Viagra on women has been established. It consists in:

What is the difference between women's Viagra and men?

Preparations for male and female use have a common substance - sindenafil, whose purpose is to increase the flow of blood to the genitals, which increases the level of sexual perception. In this case, Viagra for men and women on the representatives of both sexes has an exciting effect, but otherwise its effect is different. Female drug:

Viagra for women - analogues

Today, several drugs have been developed, which are analogues of Viagra. They are designed specifically for women, taking into account the characteristics of the female body. Among them:

  1. Cialis (USA production).
  2. Livitra (Germany).
  3. Erectil and Potential (Russia).
  4. Lavex (Moldova).
  5. Eromax and Eroton (Ukraine).

In addition, there is a whole series of cheap generics produced in India, which are addressed to representatives of both sexes. Recently, liquid Viagra for women appeared on sale. It has an advantage over tablets because it is absorbed faster and shortens the time to orgasm and physical satisfaction.

Viagra for women - folk remedies

To increase the increase in female sensitivity during sexual intercourse, folk remedies that stimulate libido have long been used. All of them are pleasant and useful, among them - well-known:

The beneficial effect of honey is established, especially in combination with walnuts. Viagra for women at home is prepared simply. For example, a tincture of thyme, if taken within six months, will bring, as people's doctors say, amazing results. It will take a tablespoon of dry grass inflorescences:

  1. Grass pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist for 40 minutes.
  3. The drug you need to drink during the day.
  4. Take twice a week.

Does men's Viagra work for women?

The question of what will happen if a woman drinks Viagra is not an idle one. Some believe that a tool addressed to men can be taken by women. According to others - it is contraindicated. The right decision is in the middle: the composition of preparations for the representatives of both sexes includes the same substance, so you can take it to women. However, it is worth remembering that their effect on the female body has its own characteristics and the intake of a male remedy can cause increased heart rate and increase blood pressure.

Viagra for women - side effects

Taking drugs to increase sexual sensitivity and sexual activity does not show pronounced side effects, on the contrary, it has a beneficial effect on women's health and can be useful in the menopause period, after removal of the uterus and in other cases. However, one should not think that everyone will use them without exception, because there are different ways in which Viagra acts on women. Among the side effects are: