Somatic diseases in children and adults - a list and ways to combat them

In medical works many diseases, including somatic diseases, are mentioned. This group of disorders is characterized by a certain symptomatology. Knowing what signs are accompanied by such pathologies, it is easier to identify them at the initial stage of development and cure.

Somatic diseases - this is what diseases?

To understand this, the term used in medicine for their characteristics will help. From the Greek language "σῶμα" - literally translates "body". For this reason, somatic diseases are physical disorders caused by psychological trauma or frustration. This relationship is very close. It is explained by the fact that the body is a single system: the output of one element leads to the "breakdown" of the other.

The difference between an infectious disease and a somatic

The first group of pathologies has such features:

  1. Specificity - in other words, a specific pathogen causes a certain ailment. Somatic diseases affect various systems and organs, while diseases have a particular pathogenesis.
  2. Contagiosity is the infectiousness of the disease or, in other words, the ease with which the causative agent is transmitted from one organism to another. The somatic nervous system has a different mechanism of damage.
  3. Development of the disease - in infectious disease it lasts from the moment of infection to the appearance of clinical manifestations. Somatic pathologies have a slightly different developmental pattern. Such diseases do not have an incubation period: they are not contagious.

Somatic diseases - types

All pathological disorders of this group can be conditionally differentiated into such classes:

  1. Conversion diseases are pathologies that arise after a neurotic conflict. Such somatic disorders are temporary. Vivid examples of these diseases are blindness, paralysis and deafness.
  2. Organic diseases - they are provoked by stress, fright and excessive feelings. More often a person experiences a strong painful sensation, which may have a different localization area.
  3. Pathological disorders, the occurrence of which is associated with the individual characteristics of the body. For example, a patient has a tendency to get injured. Its occurrence is promoted by bad habits (overeating, alcohol abuse or smoking).

Acute somatic diseases

More often such pathological disorders develop in childhood and young age, less often after 30 years. More they are defeated by the fair sex. The higher the likelihood that somatic diseases will develop, those women whose close relatives suffer from similar ailments. Increase the chances of the emergence of such a pathological disorder drug and drug dependence. List of somatic diseases in acute form:

Chronic somatic diseases

Pathological disorders in this stage are transferred from the acute form. Somatic diseases:

Causes of somatic diseases

It is impossible to determine the source of such a pathological disorder independently. Correctly to cope with the given task can only experts: in addition consultation of the psychologist, the neurologist and the therapist is required. The somatic system is complex, but more often it fails due to the following factors:

Somatic diseases - symptoms

Such pathological disorders are characterized by a specific clinical picture. Even the most severe somatic diseases can be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Disturbance of appetite - in patients there is an extreme (some completely refuse to eat, while others overeat). As a result, either anorexia or obesity occurs. Another disorder that can happen on a nervous basis is bulimia. Patients show increased interest in fatty foods, which can lead to obesity. However, inadvertently not gain extra pounds, those who suffer from bulimia drink laxatives, vomitive and diuretic drugs. Because of this, somatic diseases develop with complications in the digestive tract.
  2. Insomnia - with this problem, most patients try to cope on their own, without resorting to the help of a doctor. They uncontrollably drink sleeping pills and try to relax by any other available means. However, all this does not bring the desired result: the situation is only aggravated.
  3. Painful sensations - often develop in very suspicious and overly anxious people. Discomfort can be observed in any organ (more often in the weakest part of the body).
  4. Sexual disorders - they are provoked by fears, prolonged abstinence, low self-esteem, disgust for the partner. In men, such somatic acute diseases occur with a weak erection and a decrease in sexual desire. In women, sexual disorders are manifested by the lack of orgasm and painful sensations during sexual intercourse.

In childhood, somatic disorders are accompanied by the following symptoms:

Treatment of somatic diseases

Before prescribing therapy, the doctor must:

  1. Identify the root cause of the disorder.
  2. Determine whether this disease is hereditary.
  3. To study the results of tests.

Somatic disease list is great. Their treatment should be carried out in a complex manner. Psychotherapy of somatic diseases allows for a faster result. It affects specifically the mechanism of development of the disease. Also can be prescribed tranquilizers and antidepressants. In addition, traditional medicine is used. For example, with hypertension, a decoction of calendula may be administered.

Prevention of somatic diseases

Any disease is much easier to prevent than after treatment. To prevent physical illness in children and adults, it is necessary to observe such conditions:

  1. To lead a healthy way of life - for this it is necessary to eat correctly, more to be in the open air, to go in for sports.
  2. Get rid of bad habits (this point applies to adults).
  3. Regularly undergo a medical examination.
  4. Maximize yourself from heightened stressful situations.
  5. To change thinking - to try to get a positive attitude and a way of looking at life (if the child suffers from the disorder, parents should become a real support for him).