Interview with Naomi Campbell and Joni Aiva for Vogue magazine

How can you find out about the life of Apple's California campus and the secrets of the company's work, if you're not an employee? Vogue magazine gave fans an opportunity to learn about the backstreet world giant thanks to an interview with Joni Ive. The chief design director chatted in an informal atmosphere with Naomi Campbell, telling the secrets of Apple and the identity of Steve Jobs.

First iPhone

The first question, asked by supermodel Aivu, concerned the first iPhone and its production. Among the staff there is a rumor that the designer was so worried about the release of the first line that he slept on the factory floor. To which Joni Ive ironically remarked:

"You can not produce a product and do not know the technical nuances of production. I did spend a lot of time at the plant during the first launches. The designer does not limit his knowledge only to external product data! "

Did you spend the night or not? He never answered this question, but judging by his crazy enthusiasm for work, this could well have happened.

Joni Ive

Secrets of Apple

Everyone who has ever faced production issues knows about strict contracts and confidentiality. Is it hard to observe them? The designer claims that he does not feel constrained and sees no problem in keeping strict secrecy:

"I do not see a problem in maintaining confidentiality during the work process. It is normal for me not to endure the technical and creative process for discussion. The nature of ideas is very fragile and vulnerable, so you need to be very careful with it, protect yourself from premature criticism. You need to display it when everything is ready, and you are sure of the quality of the product. "

About the identity of Steve Jobs

The person of genius-thought Steve Jobs for a long time will not give rest to many start-ups and dreamers. According to Aiv, he looked with the creator of Apple on the world equally, he confessed identical life values:

"This is the person who taught me to think outside the box, going beyond the boundaries of the usual ideas. He was not only a leader for me, but also a close friend. Steve was not afraid to challenge and dream, which is what we demand from Apple employees. And earlier, and now, by recruiting new people, we want to see a set of values ​​close to us, enthusiasm. "
Steve Jobs and Joni Ive were friends

Surprisingly, the company values ​​not only the influx of "new blood", but also take care of old-timers, providing bonuses and a solid shareholding. In the team of designers there are 19 permanent employees, it is unrealistic to get to the "selected" ones, they work separately in the Cupertino laboratory in strict secrecy. And, according to the staff, they understand each other with a half-word.

Ive considers Jobs his teacher
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Note that Vogue did not accidentally agree on a meeting with Joni Ive. In May 2018, the Museum of Design opens in London, where Alzey's works will be presented under the patronage of Aiv and a number of installations will be launched.

Azzedin Alaya with models