Games for attention and memory

Science has proven that constant exercises and games for the development of memory and attention can push back the aging of brain neurons, and also avoid many age-related diseases of the central nervous system.

What games are there for attention and memory?

Among the development games for attention and memory, there are several categories:

Games to improve memory and attention in children

The ability to concentrate in children depends on age. So children of preschool age can detain attention on one object no more than 7-10 minutes. The older the child, the more developed this ability, which is taken into account when setting the educational process in school. Games for memory, observation and attention for preschoolers:

  1. Find the change . The child draws a picture and turns away. At this time the adult dorisovyvaet on it some minor details and offers the child to find a change. The game trains concentration of attention.
  2. Playing matches . The adult lays out a figurine of matches on the table and gives the child a look at it. Then the child, turning away, should try to lay out a similar combination.
  3. Describe the neighbor . Children play together for a while, and then each of them is given the task of describing in detail the clothes of their neighbor, without looking at him. Development of observation and attention.
  4. The game of buttons . Two children are given two sets of buttons of 6-7 pieces with a difference in only one button. Children should find as soon as possible those buttons that they do not match. Similarly, you can lay out the buttons in a certain order, and then ask the child to lay out their own in the same combination.

Of the games available at home for the development of memory and increased concentration in children, you can note puzzles, Schulte tables, edible-inedible, numeric and alphabetic combinations with memorization or one missing number (letter).

Schulte tables:

Games for training memory and attention for adults

If a child needs to be enthralled with the game process, so that the lesson will take place voluntarily, the adult person can train his memory in everyday life according to his own conscious desire. Of the most accessible ways of training memory, psychologists offer visual memorization.

In public transport, in a cafe or on a walk, look quickly at a random fellow traveler or neighbor, and then try to restore from memory all the details of his clothes and accessories. They perfectly train memory, peripheral vision and help to develop the attention of the Schulte table, where it is required to find the numbers in the order of the count as soon as possible.

A more complex variant of brain training, but also more effective for its development are mathematical crossword puzzles and Sudoku game. Remembering word chains that are not related to each other in meaning, an excellent method of memory training. For example, you need to ask someone to write on the piece of paper several blocks of 4-5 words that are not logically related:

  1. Become a raspberry, shell, elephant, screwdriver.
  2. Kissel, flower, puddle, landscape, prosperity.
  3. Color, adverb, fragrance, glasses, clay.

Look at the sheet for 30-40 seconds, then from memory, play all the combinations. Similar games can be invented with digital series. An effective and useful method of memory training is the study of foreign languages, memorizing by heart poems, solving the arithmetic problems of examples in the mind.