Goji berries - diet

There are many ways to lose weight, and, frankly, most of them do not work. Whether the fault in improperly compiling a diet, or in the indiscipline of a slimming one is not so important. The bottom line is that there is no effect.

True, among all diets, the "grandees" are distinguished in a separate typeface - these are the famous diets, which were developed by well-known nutritionists. In this case, we will talk about the already dulled Dukan diet , or rather, goji - berries that can improve this French method of losing weight on proteins.

The essence of diet

The Pierre Ducane diet consists of four stages:

The duration of the stages depends on the weight of the losing weight. But one fact will shock all the fans of Dukan - it turns out, goji berries during this diet are the only allowed fruit. Moreover, goji are allowed even during the protein stage - attack.

There are those who lose weight with the help of Dukan's diet, there are those who lose weight on goji, and now there will be fans of the diet of goji-Dukan, because the combination of these two methods gives a stunning result.

Why are goji useful in the Ducane diet?

At the first stage of Dukan's diet, every losing weight experiences an unbearable hunger - today's food is much different from yesterday's. It is in such situations that they save the goji - they give a sense of satiety, regulate appetite. Goji has an effect on metabolism - The food that enters the body is converted into energy, and not stored in fat.

These berries produce a tonic effect - the muscles due to their consumption are strengthened, which is very handy when protein nutrition Dyukan and the implementation of recommended exercises.

Goji will get rid of cravings for sweets, normalize the production of insulin, and, again, will regulate the appetite . Among other things, they stabilize the pressure, remove toxins, normalize the work of the digestive tract.

And all this in parallel with losing weight on the Ducane diet!