Pruning of fruit trees in spring - principles and rules of crown formation

Having planted a young fruit tree, the first few years we are happy with a good harvest of tasty and juicy fruits. However, the older the plant becomes, the more its yield decreases, and the taste of apples or pears deteriorates. An experienced gardener knows that in order for the planting to be well-fruited, pruning of fruit trees in spring is necessary.

Rules for pruning fruit trees in spring

This is an obligatory agrotechnical measure - one of the most complex elements of tree care. After all, there are many varieties of fruit trees, each of which reacts in its own way to the removal of branches and changes in the crown. However, there are general rules for pruning fruit trees in spring:

  1. For work use a sharp garden knife or a hacksaw.
  2. The cut should be made oblique. It should begin on the opposite side of the kidney and end at the apical bud.
  3. First of all, it is necessary to remove broken branches and shoots that grow inside the crown.
  4. When pruning in the spring, try to keep those branches that grow horizontally, but to remove vertical shoots or those that are directed downwards, since the yields on them are lower.
  5. A cut must be done over a healthy well-developed vegetative bud.
  6. One-year runaway should be shortened to the kidney, leaving no stumps.
  7. Two-four-year shoots or semi-skeletal branches are cut to the nearest branching or to the place where new branches should appear.
  8. The skeletal branch must be removed in parts. The first cut is made 30 cm above the trunk, the second - above the previous one by 2-5 cm, and the remaining stump should be cut "on the ring", having cleared the cut surface.

When do pruning fruit trees in spring?

Sometimes inexperienced gardeners are interested in when to start pruning fruit trees in the spring. The exact terms of this event can not be established. It all depends on what kind of climate in your area, early spring is supposed to be or late. The best option is March-April - the moment before the beginning of sap flow in plants. Young trees are cut only in the spring.

At what temperature do pruning fruit trees?

It will be better if the air temperature at pruning of fruit trees does not decrease sharply any more. Do not trim at temperatures below -8 ° C. During this period, the branches of the trees become brittle and the sections will be uneven. And in cold and humid weather, the flow of gums in the stone crops increases. Therefore, pruning should be carried out at a temperature close to 0 ° C.

Pruning of fruit trees in spring - scheme

In fruit trees, the procedure for pruning in spring is carried out in different ways, and this depends on the branches on which the crop is formed. So, the fruits of pears and apples appear on perennial shoots, and nuts, cherries, plums - on last year's branches. Remember this, starting work in the garden. Spring pruning and shaping of fruit trees is as follows:

  1. The main trunk of dwarf trees is cut off, and in strong-growing specimens is preserved.
  2. Secondary branches-competitors are cut off.
  3. Split branches that grow inside the crown.
  4. Strongly branched thickening branches are removed.
  5. From the annual branches are cut off the wolf (growing vertically up) and adipose (annual shoots).
  6. The growing branches are removed.

Pruning old fruit trees in spring

Trees, whose age is 30 or more years, are considered old. The purpose of pruning such "garden veterans" is to remove weakly plodding branches and grow a young crown. The pruning of old fruit trees should be carried out especially carefully. For each plant species, this agrotechnical technique has its own characteristics:

  1. When you get rid of old branches in cherry and cherry, remember that their wood is fragile and can easily break. In addition, the growth buds are only on the ends of branches, so you can not cut them. It is necessary to delete only the whole branch.
  2. Spending the spring pruning of the old apricot, remove first the branches that grow down, because they bear fruit already badly. Then the branches that are directed into the crown are cut off. If the tree is very tall, then it is necessary to remove too long branches growing upwards, in order to better grow the lower shoots.
  3. Rejuvenating the spring apple tree or pear, first shorten the largest branches, and dry cut at the trunk. Then cut off those branches that thicken the crown. After that, the central branch is cut at a height of approximately 3.5 m. It is also necessary to cut the tops, but not all, but leave 10 pieces evenly along the entire crown.

Pruning young fruit trees in spring

As long as the tree is young, it is easier to form its crown correctly, make it light and air-permeable, which in the future will positively affect the quality of the crop. Pruning of young fruit trees should be aimed at stimulating the growth of the crown not vertically upward, but in the sides. To do this, we must shorten the annual shoots. Fast growing branches can be shortened by 50%, and those that are weaker - by 25-30%.

Errors in pruning fruit trees

Many beginning gardeners, not knowing what the principle of pruning fruit trees and the features of crown formation in different plants, immediately begin to work and do it wrong. There are also those who generally ignore pruning, limiting themselves to the removal of broken and dry branches. In order for the pruning of fruit trees in the spring to be successful and beneficial, let's consider what mistakes to avoid:

  1. Timing pruning. Work should be done in early spring, in the period before the active movement of juices in the trees.
  2. Regularity of trimming. It should be started the next year after planting the tree.
  3. Presence of hemp. Pruning of fruit trees in early spring should be carried out "on a ring".
  4. There is too much pruning.
  5. Tear marks on the bark when the branches are thick.
  6. Use the garden bar you need a day after pruning.