Apple pruning in spring - basic principles and rules for beginners

Experienced gardeners assure that pruning apple trees in the spring is a useful procedure, as it is important to maintain a balance between tree growth and fruit formation. The old apple tree should be cut for rejuvenation and so that the yield does not fall.

Pruning apple trees in spring for beginners

Since there are no equally growing trees, the pruning scheme is determined individually. You need to take into account the age and size of the apple tree, and also its location on the site and neighboring plantings. Spring pruning of apple trees is carried out according to several typical schemes, but strict rules and requirements are absent. The process is carried out taking into account certain recommendations. The most common forms of the crown: round, in the form of a pyramid, flat horizontal or vertical, and even figured and columned .

Pruning apple trees in spring - terms

It is necessary to conduct the procedure in a period when there is not yet an intense sap movement. Do not try to do this before the specified landmark, otherwise the plant can be harmed. Timing trim apple in the spring depends on the region, so, for the middle band the appropriate time is the end of March, but in the north it's best to do it in April. It is important that the branches are cut before the kidneys begin to swell, and if this is not taken into account, the number of fruits will decrease substantially.

At what temperature do you prune apple trees?

If the street is cold and snow is lying, then it is better to postpone the procedure until warming. For pruning apple trees in spring, the temperature should be plus. In some cases, branches can be deleted if the value on the thermometer does not fall below -4 ° C. If the frost is stronger, the bark of the tree will become fragile and it can be damaged, which is completely undesirable. In addition, any serious temperature changes at night should be avoided.

How to cover the spittle on the apple tree after pruning?

After the branches are removed, you need to process the slices so that the wood does not rot. Describing how to trim apple trees in the spring, whether it is necessary to glaze the slices and how to do it, it should be pointed out that if the diameter of the branch was not more than 1 cm, but processing can not be carried out. In other cases, clean the cuts from sawdust, grind them with a knife and work with the garden sauce.

  1. Var Zhukovsky . Mix in equal amounts rosin, yellow wax and melted warm beef fat. As a result, a uniform consistency should be obtained. Slightly cool the mixture, and then pour it into the cold water to make the composition curled. Separate pieces and oil them slices. From above you should cover everything with a cloth, so that insects do not fly pollinators. The remaining composition can be stored while the heat is wrapped in several layers of oiled paper.
  2. Var Pashkevich. Combine one piece of wax and turpentine, add half the rosin and 1/4 part of the fat. Put the wax in a metal container, put on a fire and melt. After add turpentine and rosin. Mix until homogeneous and put the last ingredient. Place the var in cold water so that it curls. You can store it in oiled paper. To process the cuts after pruning the apples in spring, first spread the wart on the cotton cloth with a thin layer and wrap the wound.

How to prune an apple tree in the spring?

Experienced gardeners give several tips on cutting.

  1. Pay attention to the lunar calendar in order to choose the most suitable time for the procedure.
  2. The rules of pruning apple trees in the spring indicate that in this case it is important not to overdo it. In one year it is recommended to apply 1-2 large wounds, but not more. Cardinally shorter trees are better for several years.
  3. Rejuvenating old apple trees, remove not small, but 1-2 large branches. Otherwise, it can cause deterioration in fruiting.
  4. To form the crown, it is necessary to cut the skeletal branches around the circle, which are at an angle of 45 ° from the trunk. They should have the same length.
  5. The upper tiers should be shortened so that they do not go beyond the lower branches. It is important that the leaves and fruits receive sunlight.

Pruning young apple in spring

In the first year pruning is carried out to form the crown, and it is also important for the full formation of the roots. The order of pruning of young apples in the spring depends on the year of its holding:

  1. In the first year . The top of the tree is cut at an altitude of 100 cm from the ground, if there are no branches, and if they are present - 60-80 cm. Shoots from the side should be shortened to 40 cm. Remove the tallest shoots growing relative to the trunk at an acute angle. Leave the branches with 3-5 buds, attached to the trunk at an angle of 90 °.
  2. In the second year. Do not touch 3-5 strong branches, which are at a convenient angle of placement. The remaining shoots should be cut. Trim the main trunk, whose height should not be greater than the remaining branches, than on four buds. Shorten other lower branches, the length of which should be 30 cm longer than the upper ones.
  3. The third and fourth year. To trim did not affect the quality of the crop, it is important to shorten the branches to a minimum. It is important not to allow the bifurcation of the trunk. Remove shoots directed to the middle of the crown.

Pruning of an old apple tree in spring

The procedure is important for increasing the life expectancy of a tree, that is, for its rejuvenation. It is important to note that one can not remove many branches at a time, so the optimal amount equals one-third of all shoots. Trimming the neglected old apple tree in spring is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Reduce the length of the main branch and all branches by a third. Cut off should be young shoots that depart from the trunk, and at the base.
  2. Do not need a branch that grows down. If two branches are close to each other, then leave a stronger one, and the second - cut.
  3. Remove the branches growing in the middle of the crown, and the lower branches on the branch.
  4. At the end, go through the sections with garden sauce, and if they are large, then cover with polyethylene. In autumn, take cover.

Pruning of dwarf apple trees in spring

In the case of miniature trees, it is important that the removal of unnecessary branches takes place as soon as possible. Trimming dwarf apple trees includes such stages:

  1. During the landing on a permanent place, broken and weakened branches should be removed.
  2. In the first year, shorten the main trunk at a height of 50 cm due to this at the end of the season will grow at least four strong shoots. The upper, vertically growing, trunk will be the conductor.
  3. Next spring cut shoots at a height of 20 cm from the base. Branches that are not important for the main skeleton should be removed at the third sheet level.
  4. Such pruning of apple trees in the spring is annual, until the moment the tree reaches the desired height. After this, every year, it is necessary to remove the new growth of the main stem, and the last shoots are cut so that their length is 45-50 cm.