Cherry "Griot Belorussky"

The cherry variety "Griot Belorussky" is winter-hardy and yielding, it is quite resistant to diseases . State variety testing was held in 2004. It refers to the varieties of medium ripening, the harvesting period is in mid-July. Cherry "Griot Belorussky" is not afraid of coccomicosis and monilial burn.

Description of Cherry Griot Belorussian

"Griot Belorussky" is the result of crossing such varieties as "Griot Ostheim" and "Novodvorskaya". The tree grows tall, with a pyramid-shaped crown, slightly raised and not very thick. For the first time, the harvest can be enjoyed on the 3-4th year after landing on the site. Mostly berries gather in bouquet twigs, but there are also single cherries.

The fruits themselves are very large, reaching 5-7 grams. Juice and pulp have a maroon color. The stone is small and easily separated from the pulp. The berries are suitable for fresh consumption and can be easily applied to any kind of processing.

The taste is a typical cherry, very pleasant, with a fine sourness. Cherries resemble the shape and taste of "Vianok", but they have a later maturity. Fruits - are transportable, that is, they carry transport and short-term storage well.

Trees are self-fertile, therefore they need pollination. For this, next to the trees you need to plant other cherries, of the same kind and blooming in the same time. The best pollinators of the "Griot Belorussky" cherry are varieties "Vianok", "Volochaevka" and "Novodvorskaya".

"Griot Belorussky" - similar varieties

Variety "Novodvorskaya", which became one of the "parents" of the "Belaya Griot" is characterized by stable resistance to coccomicosis and monilial burn, in addition, is not afraid of frost and drought. Even in the most unfavorable regions gives a rich harvest.

The cherry is partially self-pollinated and pollinates well from other varieties of cherry and cherry growing on the same plot. The first harvest trees bring in the third year after planting. The berries are quite large, bright pink, with a pleasant sour taste and juicy pulp. Maturation occurs in the 20-th of July.