Ipomoea - cultivation

Ipomea is a curling plant. With a suitable climate, the morning glory grows at the expense of highly branching stems with a thick dense carpet to a height of up to 3 m. Therefore its name is translated from Greek as "worm-like". Beautiful heart-shaped leaves and flowers serve to beautify parks, gardens, verandas and even the walls of houses, perform the functions of fences and shade sunny places. Flowers-gramophones pleasing the eye in a variety of colors - pink, blue, chocolate brown, lilac, orange, striped, with eye or monochromatic, there are even multi-colored. There are double forms of morning glory. They are very sensitive to sunlight and therefore every morning at dawn one can observe a new opened flower, and after dinner it turns into a tube - it fades. For this feature, the plant was nicknamed "morning glory - morning fairy". Then a seed box ripens from the flower.

How to grow Ipomoe?

Preferably growing Ipomoea from seeds. Seeds for seedlings are soaked for a day in water and are planted in March. Ipomea is a thermophilic plant and does not tolerate a transplant, so it is necessary to plant the seedlings directly into the ground after frosts, so that the roots are abundantly covered with earth or they can be sown immediately in May to a permanent place, before dipping the seeds in the water not hotter than 50 degrees. Another morning glory multiplies by dividing the tuber, layers and cuttings. For good growth, the morning glory requires constant watering, complex feeding and support in the form of various columns, wires, etc.

Before planting a flower on a permanent place, you need to consider that morning glory loves the light, generous watering and warmth. Lack of light can cause why the morning glory does not bloom, and the lack of watering will reflect on the size of the flower, which can reach up to 10cm in diameter.

Diseases of morning glory

The most common diseases of morning glory - a spider mite, aphids and decay of the root.

Signs of a spider mite is a thin web on the leaves and yellowing. To prevent this disease, you need to systematically spray the plant leaves with water. But if the plant is already affected, special solutions will help.

Ipomea is rarely affected by aphids, but if this happens, then a systemic insecticide should be used to treat the plant. The first symptom of this disease morning glory will be yellow leaves, covered with spots.

You do not have to fall for the glory with a passion, it can end with the decay of the root, and the result will be the decay of flowers and leaves. With such signs it is necessary to stop feeding and carefully loosen the soil.

Types of Ipomoea. Ipomea ampelnaya

The Ipomoea family belongs to the family of the corolla and includes more than 500 species. Often found in the tropics and subtropics, and its homeland - tropical America. Ipomites are annual and perennial, garden and room.

Garden Ipomites are notable for their unpretentiousness and resistance to diseases, but the indoor species are rather whimsical.

Ipomea ampelnaya used to decorate balconies, doorways and windows. He does not like dry air, drafts, dust. If in the summer Ipomoeu is carried out on a balcony, then it is necessary to provide sharp changes in temperature, rain or strong wind, to shade from open sunlight. Prefers light earth mixtures from sand, peat, humus, leaf and turf ground, on the bottom of the pot or flowerpot it is necessary to put a high drainage. In summer, fertilize every two weeks with fertilizer for ampel blossoming plants, and in winter once a month. Propagated ipomeya ampelnaya cuttings, watered as the drying of the earth. Slope to the disease spider mites.